"Item: key fragment.

Message: made of star gold, it is indestructible and can resist black hole level pressure. "

In the sight of Chu Xuan. This is a short message.

"Strange things." Chu Xuan could not help but murmured in a low voice.

Although the system says it's a piece of key. But Chu Xuan didn't see what the key looked like.

As for what can resist black hole level pressure, Chu Xuan is only a little surprised.

After all, it didn't reach that level. Never understand the horror.

Then Chu Xuan took another look at the metal fragment and threw it into the system space.

"By the way, what are you going to do?" Rhubarb saw the metal block in Chu Xuan's hand disappear and asked curiously.

"To the wolf tooth mercenary regiment." An Yunlan said with a smile.

Smell speech, rhubarb eyes suddenly a bright: "I also want to go!"

"Yes." Chu Xuan nodded and then said. "But don't do anything about it!"

"What's your name?" Rhubarb immediately some discontented said, "this king is usually the most stable, which has you said so! okay. Let's go

After that, rhubarb went ahead.

But the good thing is that there are not many people in this place. Otherwise, the appearance of rhubarb will surely cause a burst of fun.

"Chu Xuan. Is it really good to let rhubarb go? " Looking at the back of rhubarb, Jiang Hao thought about it. Finally, he could not help but say to Chu Xuan beside him.

"Ha ha, don't worry! This guy rhubarb is usually... " Chu Xuan couldn't go on talking half way. But I thought about it. Or go on. "It's time for those who bully the wolf tooth mercenary regiment."

Smell speech, Jiang Hao also can't help but sigh tone, slowly said: "I hope so."

At this time, hundreds of kilometers away from Tiancheng base in the wilderness. Countless mutant trees are towering. For most of them, they are life forbidden areas.


Suddenly. There was a terrible roar, which startled the mutant birds.

Around countless low-level variant animals of different shapes are tightly crawling on the ground, the body can not stop shaking, not dare to make any movement.

The next moment, countless trees collapsed, and a mutant animal with a body size of more than ten meters flew out of it, and then fell on the ground, smashing a huge pit.

Not only is the size of this animal incomparably huge, but it has two heads, and its body is covered with yellow and black patterns. It seems to be somewhat similar to the northeast tiger in peacetime.

From the smell of the mutant tiger, its strength is at least intermediate Lord!

However, at this time, one head of the mutant tiger has been soft and soft, and the mouth and nose of the other head is also overflowing with scarlet blood. More than half of the white teeth in the mouth are broken, and the fur on the body is also covered with staggered fist marks, which looks extremely miserable.

At this time, the remaining head of the mutant tiger was staring at the big hole it had hit. There was a strong sense of panic in the huge eyes.


The next moment, a Buddha's name appears, as if directly resounding in the mind of each mutant beast.

Bang bang bang!

Then countless crackles were heard, and the heads of the mutant beasts in the dark were directly blown open, and red and white were flying all over the sky.