Qin Lang's leisurely walk to an office door which is not guarded.

Seeing no one around him, Qin Lang walked in alone, and there was no one inside. This room was the entrance of the secret room mentioned by Ximing.

The decoration of the whole room is extremely luxurious. There are many strange looking flowers and plants in the room. Qin Lang can see at a glance that those flowers and plants are old and old. Because of the existence of these flowers and plants, the whole room appears smart and rich.

"These old guys are really enjoying it. It's a waste to get so many auxiliary things." Qin Lang sighed.

Although these ancient flowers and plants are not really spiritual plants, they have grown for so many years, and they have also reached a relationship between heaven and earth, which can attract the aura around them to them.

If it was another time, Qin Lang would have emptied all the flowers and plants. But now he doesn't mean much about these things, because there are more treasures waiting for him.

Then Qin Lang stood around the room and saw two huge bookshelves on the right side of the room. In front of the bookshelves, there was a platform standing there, and on the table was a three legged Golden Toad.

Qin Lang came to the Golden Toad. When he saw a diamond shaped gap on the three legged Golden Toad, Qin Lang thought of the spirit magic weapon chuanyunsuo that he got after killing the goat bearded old man in the Li family that day.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang took it out and put it on the notch behind the Golden Toad. Suddenly, two eyes of the Golden Toad radiated golden light.

Then the earth shook gently, and the two huge bookshelves in front of him began to move slowly to both sides. Qin Lang saw this, and his mouth was slightly tilted. Just now, he felt that these two huge bookshelves were just decorations, and behind them were alloy steel doors with strong defense.

If Qin Lang didn't have this cloud shuttle, it would have taken some time to open it. After all the bookshelves were opened, an entrance to the underground appeared in front of him.

However, Qin Lang did not go in directly, but waited outside for a minute before he slowly raised his step. The reason why Qin Lang did this was for fear of something unusual.

Long walked out of the wall for the sake of the air, but he thought that it was because of the fire.

As Qin Lang walked down step by step, he found that the downward stairs extended downward in a spiral way, and he felt that he had a long way to go to the end below.

In fact, just like what Qin Lang thought, he walked up the stairs for about five or six minutes before he reached the bottom. In front of him appeared the stone gate guarded by two stone lions.

Qin Lang saw a lot of dense lines on the dark red stone gate in front of him, like human meridians, extending from a groove in the middle of the stone gate.

After carefully observing the situation around him, Qin Lang then took the cloud piercing shuttle in his hand and inserted it into the diamond shaped slot in front of him.

Qin Lang thought that the stone gate would open if the shuttle was inserted. However, after waiting for a period of time, there was no movement in front of him.

"as like as two peas?" is the key to opening Shimen is not wearing clouds? "Qin Lang's face is puzzled, but the groove on Shimen is exactly the same as the outer shape of the cloud pierced shuttle.

Qin Lang thinks that if he has something important to hide here, he must use something that is inseparable from himself as the key. This cloud piercing shuttle is probably the most precious magic weapon of the old goat bearded man. Obviously, it is better to use this magic weapon as the key to the secret room.

In this way, Qin Lang once again thought that he was not inserted in the right way. After several different methods, the stone gate still did not move. Then Qin Lang began to play with the cloud piercing shuttle in his hand.

There are many runes on the surface of chuanyunsuo. Qin Lang remembers that when he was in the cultivation world in his previous life, some aura magic weapons had extremely special functions, but these effects should be stimulated by spiritual power.

Thinking of this, his mind flashed. Qin Lang inserted the cloud piercing shuttle into the key hole, and then slowly used his own divinity to penetrate into the cloud piercing shuttle in front of him, hoping to stimulate the rune power inside.

At that time, when Qin Lang got the shuttle, he found that although the shuttle was not a powerful magic weapon, it was also extremely extraordinary. What made Qin Lang wonder was that the old man with goatee didn't recognize the LORD with blood.

However, Qin Lang didn't feel strange after the event, because although there are some relatively low-level cultivation entry-level secrets on earth, it seems that the earth's practitioners have not mastered the method of establishing contact with aura and magic weapons.

However, Qin Lang does not belong to this kind of person. On the contrary, he has his own unique method of recognizing the Lord. Therefore, chuanyunsuo established contact with Qin Lang after he fell into his hands.

Qin Lang has a good understanding of chuanyunsuo, an aggressive spiritual weapon. As long as Qin Lang's mind moves, he can control chuanyunsuo to kill thousands of miles away.However, after Qin Lang conveyed his consciousness to the cloud piercing shuttle, he felt a strange force flowing on the surface of the cloud piercing shuttle, and the dim runes appeared again.

On the dark gold rune, the light flowed around, and the lines on the stone gate began to change.

The lines above, like tendons, also began to shine. Qin Lang saw this and was secretly pleased. He knew that this time it seemed to be right.

After that, just listen to the ground micro motion, the front of the stone door has a little loose, and then "boom" sound, the stone gate slowly outward expansion.

"Yes, it's great." Qin Lang was a little happy.

And chuanyunsuo also broke away from the stone trough on the stone gate, and slowly fell into Qin Lang's hands. The runes on the top became dim again.

Qin Lang smiles and then steps inside.

After entering the chamber of secrets, Qin Lang found that the space in the chamber was very large, like a cave. There were some gold and jewels and gold coins everywhere.

Qin Lang didn't pay attention to this, but let go of his divine consciousness. What he wanted was something useful for his own cultivation. As long as he had a good treasure, Qin Lang could detect the fluctuation of spiritual power.