After Qin Lang closed his eyes and searched for a long time, Qin Lang opened his eyes and looked ahead at a hill of gold, with a black box on its face.

Qin Lang just felt something interesting in the black box.

Qin Lang walked forward slowly, and then took the black box in his hand.

He saw that the material of the box was precious ebony. This kind of wood had a strong reverse osmosis ability, and also had a certain resistance to the spiritual power and consciousness of the cultivator.

But for the fluctuation of aura on the surface of the black box, Qin Langgang would not have discovered the clue and would not have noticed it.

Qin Lang didn't think much about it. Then he opened the box gently. At the moment when the box was opened, suddenly, the whole space was filled with extremely rich aura.

Qin Lang felt the aura that filled the whole room in an instant, and his heart trembled. Now the density of aura in the room is extremely terrible, and the aura is floating around like a substance.

Qin Lang was so stunned that he felt relaxed and happy for a long time. A silver light flashed out of the black box. When the light dissipated, what appeared in front of Qin Lang was a ball like a pearl.

The ball is full of silvery white luster above, appear crystal clear, let a person see after, have a kind of feeling that cannot extricate oneself.

"This Is this a poly Lingzhu? "Qin Lang pressed and blinked his eyes.

The change caused by this bead immediately reminded him of the strange pearl that he had been able to absorb the aura of heaven and earth in his previous life.

As the name suggests, gathering spirit beads is to gather the aura of heaven and earth, gather itself, and then continuously transmit the spirit absorbed by itself to the body of its master through its own strange power, so as to greatly enhance the cultivation speed of its master.

This kind of treasure is not available to ordinary friars in the practice world. It belongs to the most precious treasure that can not be found. Only those large families and families with a strong foundation can have one or two of them.

Qin Lang also used it when he was young and weak. He felt that it was of great benefit to the cultivation of the practitioners. However, he never thought that he could find the treasure waiting for him on the earth where aura was extremely scarce.

then Qin Lang to verify his guess is true, and then mobilized his body inside a hint of aura, aura with Qin Lang's mind slowly surrounded by the beads in front of the above.

In front of Qin Lang, after feeling the aura from Qin Lang's body, suddenly a white light flashed from his white body, and then greedily absorbed that aura into his sphere.

After absorbing the aura with its own peculiar power, after a while, a touch of rich aura still turned into essence gradually came out around the sphere. Moreover, the purity of the aura was extremely pure, which was the most suitable for friars to absorb.

Qin Lang saw here, had already been extremely happy mood, become more excited.

"Swallow the spirit and turn it into a spirit. This is not a spirit gathering pearl. This is This is yulingzhu Qin Lang could hardly believe his eyes.

Although the ability of the sphere in front of him is very similar to that of julingzhu, in Qin Lang's eyes, strictly speaking, it is not a real one, but a more precious existence, the nurturing pearl.

Yulingzhu not only can gather the aura between heaven and earth, but also can absorb only a little aura, which can once again breed more and more rich aura.

No matter where it is placed, it is a rare treasure. Even in Qin Lang's previous life, there are few. Qin Lang once got one by accident, but at that time he was already at the top of the whole cultivation world.

So at that time, the Yu Lingzhu was no longer useful to him. However, as long as this treasure was taken out, it would cause countless disputes. At that time, Qin Lang had just received a new apprentice with good talent, so he gave it to him.

"I didn't think of it. I didn't expect it. Ha ha ha, I've been treating me well. With this thing, I can't reach the golden age and break through the shackles of the earth. Ha ha." Qin Lang laughs. With this pearl, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

Qin Lang picked up Yu Lingzhu and played with it fondly for a while. Then he found out that the object was also ownerless.

However, the reason why the Pearl did not recognize the LORD was not that the elders of the dark hall could not use the method of recognizing the Lord, but that they did not know the importance of the bead.

Yulingzhu is very rare in the world of practice in the past life, so I'm afraid no one knows its function here on the earth, and the three dark hall elders really only regard it as a night pearl.

While Qin Lang was happy, he found that at the bottom of the ebony box, there was a paper drawing made of unknown material.

Qin Lang then took it out with some doubts. He found that there were many signs on it. There were mountains and water on it, like a map.And then Qin Lang remembered what Xi Ming had said to himself. This map may be the map of the site of the ruins discussed by the three dark hall elders at that time.

After a careful exploration, Qin Lang found that the place marked on the drawing seemed to be in the river and sea.

However, because the map has been away for some time, many of the terrain and landforms have changed. Qin Lang couldn't determine exactly where the cross was on the map.

"Is there really a relic in this world?" Qin Lang was in the assembly hall just now. Qin Lang was skeptical about what Xi Ming said. However, from now on, many clues can be revealed. It is very likely that what Xi Ming said is true.

However, Qin Lang also found that in addition to a place with a cross on it, there were several strange characters on it, which were like oracle bone inscriptions.

However, Qin Lang felt familiar with one of the characters. It suddenly occurred to him that he had seen the symbol of this symbol in his previous life, which seemed to be the symbol of one of the religious sects of the Xiuzhen realm.

"Well, can't we say that there are hidden doors of Xiuzhen Sect on the earth?" Qin Lang looked more and more incredible, but gradually, he seemed to know something.

With his own conjecture, Qin Lang opened the back of the map and wrote a line of extremely ancient words behind it, which were not as primitive as the front of the map.