These words seem to have been added by someone at the back. Although it has been a long time since now, Qin Lang can still vaguely distinguish them.

After reading it carefully, he found that what was recorded behind was the origin of this map, which contained some things that the world did not know about on this earth.

From the records on the back of the map, Qin Lang knew that long ago, the earth was also a place full of spiritual power. Life began to appear on the earth. It seemed that someone had found some natural cultivation methods.

However, at that time, there were several creatures from unknown places. They looked the same as human beings, but everyone had a very strong power. They could fly through the sky and cut off mountains and rivers with every move.

Seeing this, Qin Lang didn't think of his own soul coming to the earth after the fall of the former Xiuzhen world.

Now Qin Lang is extremely doubtful whether the earth is a world on a time line plane with them. According to the above records, Qin Lang doubted whether there were any people in the cultivation world in the past life who had come here?

And perhaps on earth, it was originally a world of practice, but after some things, this made the aura on the earth become scarce, which was not suitable for the continued existence of the practitioners, and then human beings were derived.

All of this, Qin Lang immediately thought, any possible ideas do not feel in Qin Lang's mind one by one out of the sun.

Qin Lang also carefully considered these questions, and gradually had a trace of answers in his heart. However, he felt that if he wanted to get the final answer, he would have to constantly explore and pursue.

"I didn't expect that there were still these mysteries on the earth, but I can't decipher them now." Qin Lang shook his head helplessly, then put the map away.

Now he has just stepped into the foundation, and he has not mastered everything about the earth, so he is not in a hurry to understand these things. In his heart, Qin Lang still wants to step into the golden elixir period, break through the limitations of the earth and return to the cultivation world.

Because no matter whether the earth is in the present or in the future, if there is any problem, there will not be too many waves in Qin Lang's heart, because he will leave here sooner or later, and everything here is just his experience.

And then Qin Lang once again searched the whole secret room with divine sense, and found that there was no more thing that interested him any more. However, Qin Lang was able to get a pearl of nurturing spirit and a mysterious map this time, which was a little gain.

Qin Lang left the chamber of secrets. When he came out of the office on the first floor, he found that the outside had become extremely chaotic.

Just now, the disciples of the dark hall found that all the elders of Antang in the assembly hall on the top floor had been killed by someone. They were in control of the situation and wanted to find the murderer.

Dark hall is in Jianghai, but no one dares to provoke. It is the biggest black force in Jianghai. Only the dark hall bullies others, and no one has ever dared to kill them.

Of course, Qin Lang looked at all this, just a smile, and then pretended to walk into the chaos of the crowd, but just when Qin Lang felt that he could take advantage of the chaos to leave.

All of a sudden, a dark hall disciple seemed to notice Qin Lang, took out a pistol and pointed at him and yelled, "that guy, stop for me."

And Qin Lang, of course, noticed it. Then he turned his head and looked at him innocently. He said, "what's the matter?"

"you boy, you don't look like a good thing. Go to the corner of the wall." The dark hall disciple threatened.

What happened in the dark hall this time must have been retaliated by some big forces. They could kill the old gate of the dark hall quietly. Based on this, the people of the dark hall think that they must have caused something wrong this time.

But even so, they still want to catch the murderer, although they still don't know who the murderer is. Obviously, at this time, the dark hall disciple called Qin Lang to treat him as a substitute for death.

Qin Lang is helpless. Now that he has solved the whole high-level of the dark hall, he has no idea to continue to deal with these so-called soldiers and crabs.

The dark hall disciple saw that Qin Lang did not immediately follow his orders, and immediately pulled the trigger: "Damn it, die."

As soon as the man pulled the trigger, Qin Lang's body left his original place, and then quickly passed in front of the dark hall disciple. The dark hall disciple suddenly felt as if there was a dark shadow passing in front of him.

When he wanted to look around, he suddenly felt that his body had become numb and there was a shallow bloodstain in his throat.

The dark hall disciple's eyes showed fear and wanted to cry out, but there was no way. The God of death had arrived and life no longer belonged to him.

With the sound of the gun that he pulled the trigger just now, the dignitaries who were already in fear were frightened again. The situation in the hall became chaotic again. The gunfire kept ringing, and innocent people were killed mercilessly by the disciples of the dark hall.Qin Lang's body had already arrived outside the hall at this time. Now the high-level of the dark hall has almost been solved by Qin Lang, and now the disciples of the dark hall have hurt so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries this time.

The dark hall has no chance to turn over. I believe that before long, the whole first black force in the river and sea will disappear forever, and all this is because the dark hall has provoked a person who shouldn't go away.

Qin Lang didn't care about the chaos behind him and went to his Ferrari.

But when Qin Lang wants to drive Ferrari away, he suddenly rushes in front of his sports car with a cute little sister.

The little sister knocked on the glass of Qin Lang's car, and her face showed anxiety and said, "don't go, don't go, take me. There's a fight inside. I'm so scared. "

Qin Lang looked at this flustered little sister, who was dressed in a Lori costume, and was somewhat soft hearted.

Then, Qin Lang opened the right door with a helpless face. Seeing this, little sister did not show any courtesy. She immediately ran into the car and did it. Qin Lang stepped on the accelerator and left the right and wrong place.

"Well, it's really close." The little sister turned her head and looked back from time to time. When she saw that there was nothing unusual behind her, she showed a look of relief: "thank you, little brother, didn't you just be afraid?"