Qin Lang is more or less suspicious of this unexpected little sister, because there are high-level places for high-ranking officials and rich second-generation consumers.

Most of them are involved in some transactions, and this little sister seems to be only 16-7-year-old in that place, but also deliberately found herself, which makes people more or less alert.

"Why are you there?" Qin Lang asked without expression.

"Ah? I just went there. I heard it was very interesting, so I came here. I didn't expect it would be so terrible. I will never come again." After hearing Qin Lang's inquiry, she turned her eyes and said.

How can the little sister's small movements deceive Qin Lang, but Qin Lang does not say anything more. Although this little sister is suspicious, Qin Lang does not feel that she is a threat to himself.

"Eh, little brother, are you also from Jianghai high school? It's really a coincidence. I'll start to go to Jianghai high school tomorrow. I'm a senior one. You must be a senior. My name is Tang Jingjing. I'm glad to meet you." Little sister said after seeing the emblem of Jianghai high school in front of Qin Lang's car platform.

"Where is your home? I'll take you back." Qin Lang did not answer the little sister's question, continued to ask coldly.

Qin Lang cold attitude, little sister did not care, and then pointed to the front, said: "it seems to be in the south of the city."

After hearing the little sister's uncertain tone, Qin Lang glanced at her, and the little sister responded to his innocent smile.

Then Qin Lang drove to the south of the city and was about to go out of the suburbs. The little sister sitting in the vice seat suddenly thought of something, and then cried out: "no, no, it seems not here."

After hearing this, Qin Lang pulled the car aside and looked at her coldly.

Qin Lang now has a feeling that the little girl in front of her is playing with herself.

But the little sister also felt Qin Lang's displeasure. Then she cast a look at Qin Lang, then lowered her head and said, "I don't know. My family just moved to Jianghai today, so I'm not familiar with here, but it seems that I have found my home's position, you see."

Then she took out her mobile phone and turned on the navigation, and put it in front of Qin Lang, and the location of the mark was not in the south of the city, but in a place south of the city center.

Qin Lang didn't speak, and then turned on a turn signal. When he drove to a more prosperous road section, Qin Lang stopped the car again and opened the right door.

"Now I've brought you to a place where it's easy to take a taxi. I have something else to do. Can you go back by yourself?" Qin Lang felt that no matter whether the little girl was playing with herself, he had no obligation to play with her now.

"Ah, what is this place? Do you leave me here alone? "Little sister did not expect Qin Lang to get off the car suddenly, and said with a face of grievance.

"Don't worry, this is the best place for the security of the river and the sea. You won't be in danger. Moreover, this is a relatively prosperous section of the district. You can easily get a taxi. If you don't have money, then these will be the travel expenses I give you." Qin Lang took out some bills from his pocket and handed them to her.

But the little sister still wanted to say something, but looked at Qin Lang some unhappy face, also did not say, then took the money and got out of the car.

"You can't take care of people. You must have no girlfriend in Jianghai high school. Hum, you boys are all unreliable bastards." Little sister has no idea. She stands on the side of the road and scolds Qin Lang in the car.

And Qin Lang after hearing these, immediately a black line, did not expect this little girl is so ungrateful at a young age.

He wanted to help her, but was beaten by a little girl. This feeling is only known by Qin Lang's own experience.

Just now, I felt guilty about leaving little sister here, but now it seems that I have thought too much. Then Qin Lang stepped on the gas pedal and drove towards the direction of Qin family manor.

And only left little sister standing there, looking at the dust away Qin Lang. After Qin Lang drove away for a distance, the little girl, who was still very angry on her face, suddenly regained her calmness. There was no turbulent expression on her face, showing a sense of maturity.

Then she looked at the bills in her hand, and with a cold smile, she said, "it's really a different person. I'll give you more advice in the future."

Qin Lang, who had left for a long time, of course did not know all this.

When Qin Lang arrived at the Qin family manor, it was late at night, and Qin Lang did not rest. Instead, he went to a training room specially built for himself.

Today, he accidentally got a jade pearl. Qin Lang can't wait to try the effect, because now Qin Lang still wants to make a breakthrough.

Qin Lang came to the training room. In the middle of the room, there was a black stone slab. This stone slab was sold by Qin Tianlong, the father of Qin Lang, at a high price in the auction of the dark hall. It was a wonderful accessory for the cultivator.However, this kind of effect only has some slight effect on the low-level monks on earth. For Qin Lang, a monk who has entered the foundation period, the effect can be ignored, but it is better than none.

On the right side of the training room, there is a crystal table with a crystal clear glass bead on it. It emits a wonderful light. It is not something else. It is the treasure of the Qin family, the glass lamp.

Qin Lang sat on the stone slab, and then took out the yulingzhu that he got today. The light silver light was so attractive.

Aura is the foundation of a practitioner's cultivation, and this bead is able to absorb all the spiritual power in the world, which makes Qin Lang feel like he wants to swallow it.

"It's amazing. I had reached the peak of my previous life to get this thing, and I didn't use it to feel its effect. However, it's so famous in the cultivation world that the effect is not bad." Qin Lang murmured to himself. His eyes were shining. He couldn't wait to test.

Qin Lang then suspended the Yu Ling Zhu in his chest, and then slowly used his own cultivation method. The elixir field in his body moved slightly, and an extremely strong cold breath surrounded him, wrapping Qin Lang's body.

Since Qin Lang absorbed the lotus of ice and snow, he has opened his first attribute, ice attribute.