Qin Lang came to the place where Li Zheng was detained and stood outside looking at him.

At this time, Li Zheng's three gunshot wounds had already been wrapped up by doctors, and he was the only one left in the cell.

Qin Lang looked at Li Zheng lying on the bed sickly, groaning bitterly in his mouth. From time to time, he could hear the voice of swearing: "I will kill you! I will kill you

Qin Lang smiles and knocks on the big iron gate of the cell.

Shocked by the knock on the door, Li Zheng got up and saw Qin lang. he got up quickly and hid behind the wall, as if the other party could catch him.

"You, why are you here?" Li Zheng's legs trembled with fear. He was afraid of what had happened before.

"How can I not be here? Just now, the director of Jianghai has already said, let me take this place as my home." Qin Lang said with a sarcastic face to Li Zheng in front of him.

"What, what?" Li Zheng couldn't believe his ears. If he did, he would be dead.

When Li Zheng was paralyzed on the ground in despair, Qin Lang suddenly sensed that several people were coming here.

Qin Lang thought for a moment, convenient use of concealment will be his shadow, disappeared without a trace.

A moment later, four people came in. The first one was a middle-aged man in his fifties. He was Li Zheng's father, Li Yuanfei, and on his right was the deputy director of Jianghai police station. At the moment, he said something with a smile on his face, followed by two bodyguards of Li Yuanfei.

"Master Li, you can rest assured that your business is my business, but..." The deputy director seemed to talk to Li Yuanfei, but he was embarrassed to think of the Qin family's ability.

"Hum! But what Are you afraid? " Li Yuanfei heard the words, but there was a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Ah, this..." The deputy director can't answer this question. Can he not be afraid? Although he wants to say it, he doesn't dare to say it.

"Where is my son?" Li Yuanfei doesn't want to hear these useless things to explain. Now he just wants to know how his son is.

"Over there." The deputy director will reply immediately.

Li Yuanfei and others came to Li Zheng's cell. They saw that Li Zheng was out of his wits, paralyzed with fear on his face. At the same time, his body and head were covered with bandages, which made him even more miserable.

"ZHENG'ER! What's the matter with you? " Li Yuanfei saw him like this and cried out with heartache.

Although he had heard from the housekeeper that Li Zheng's ears and arms had been beaten, he was psychologically prepared, but when he saw it, he was still very worried. He didn't expect to be so serious.

"Father." Li Zheng's depressed spirit suddenly came to mind when he heard his father's cry.

"Father! Great Li Zheng quickly got up from the ground and ran over.

"Father, help me! Help me

"Good, good! Don't worry. I'll take you home in a minute Li Yuanfei quickly responded to his son's anxious appearance. "What are you doing! Lock the lock! Shall I do it myself? " Li Yuanfei saw that the deputy director could not come, so he immediately complained.

"Yes, yes!" The deputy director was so embarrassed that he quickly took out his key and opened the cell for Li Zheng. Li Zheng ran out.

"It's OK. It's OK." Li Yuanfei comforted.

Li Zheng suddenly thought of something. Instead of talking to Li Yuanfei, he carefully looked around, his eyes full of fear.

"What's wrong with you, Zhenger?" Li Yuanfei asked curiously.

"Father! Don't you see Qin Lang? He was here just now. He's staring at me. He's going to kill me! He said he was going to kill me Li Zheng's frightened mood is a little out of control, a little unable to control his own mood.

Li Yuanfei didn't know how to comfort his son. When he came in, there was no one here, because it was just an ordinary cell temporarily detained. The area was not large, and there was only one door. If someone was inside, he could not see it.

Qin Lang hid in the dark. Looking at Li Zheng's appearance, Qin Lang thought to himself: Li Zheng and his father both appeared, which would be great. He would save himself a lot of time and waste time. Today, we will solve these two people thoroughly. When you get out of here, you will die.

"Don't be afraid, son. I'm here. Let's go home and it's safe to go home." Li Yuanfei pacifies the way, and orders the bodyguard behind him to support Li Zheng to leave here.

So the five men left the cell and headed for the car outside.

Qin Lang has been invisible, followed by them, also out of the door.

Out of the police station, Li Yuanfei watched his son get on the car, and his heart dropped a lot. He turned back to the deputy director and said, "deputy director, to tell you the truth, my senior government in Kyoto has ordered Qin Lang to be killed. You don't have to be timid. As long as you make a move, the chief of Jianghai police station is yours, but if you don't know the time, you can't go out I'm afraid your future and your life will no longer exist

With these words, Li Yuanfei, without waiting for the deputy director to speak, quickly got on the car and quickly left here, followed by two black cars.Deputy director stayed in place, thinking about how to choose.

Qin Lang Cai doesn't care how the deputy director chooses now. When he knows the news of the death of the Li family and his son, he knows how to choose.

Qin Lang followed Li Yuanfei's father and son's car. He knew that Li Yuanfei's residence was in the suburbs. It was undoubtedly the best choice to kill them just passing by.

Driving to the outskirts, Qin Lang speeds up his speed, quickly appears on the road ahead, and disperses his invisibility, intending to block Li Yuanfei's car.

"Master! There's someone in front of me The driver ahead found a young man standing on the street not far away.

"Don't worry about him. You're really looking for death. Just hit him! I don't want to waste time here. If I have to, I'll go back and get ready. " Li Yuanfei didn't look at the people in front of him. He didn't want to see those people who were useless to him. Anyway, no matter who it is, he can't delay his time at the moment.

"Yes The driver responded and sped up.

Seeing that the other party's car didn't slow down, Qin Lang laughed, patted his hands, and moved his ten fingers, which seemed to be a warm-up exercise before he started.

The car came at a very fast speed. When he was about to hit Qin Lang, his right hand was quickly protected by a layer of ice, and then he hit the car in front of him.

The people in the car only heard the sound of bumping into something, but they didn't know what happened. The whole car was suddenly knocked out.