They fell on the lawn not far away, and the two cars that came after them were also shocked to see the car in front of them suddenly flying out. They didn't know what the situation was. However, they saw a young man standing there in front of them.

After stopping the car, eight men in Black got out of the car and pulled out their pistols one after another. Four people came to Qin Lang, and the other four rushed to the overturned car, trying to rescue their family owner and young master.

"Don't move!" Four men in black stood not far from Qin Lang, pointing their guns at his head.

"You must die, too!" Qin Lang coldly looks at several people in front of him, releases his own ice domain, takes himself as the center, and goes to all directions.

On a sunny day when the sun was high, the cold air suddenly blew in front of them, which made the four people in front of them dumbfounded. Meanwhile, several people who had rushed to save the owner in the distance were also forbidden to move because of sudden changes. Their feet were frozen and could not move.

All of them were shocked. What happened in front of them was so fantastic that they never met such a thing. They didn't believe their eyes.

Although the men in black who are closest to Qin Lang don't know what's going on, they can feel that it must be the young people in front of them who are preparing to shoot.

However, when they were ready to shoot, they found that the pistol had been frozen, and they could not use it at all, which made them even more afraid. They looked at Qin Lang one by one as if they had seen a ghost.

"Sleep forever!" In Qin Lang's words, the eight men in black were covered with ice all over their bodies, and then the people inside had no breath of life. Then he took back the field of ice, and all the people in black went to the ground and lost their breath.

He walked slowly to the car which had been knocked over by him. He could feel that four people inside had already died, and only Li Zheng and his father in the back seat were left. However, it seemed that they were also badly injured and it was difficult for them to climb out.

He squatted down, looked at the back window and said, "what's up? Isn't it fun? "

Li Zheng's dispirited eyes, after seeing Qin Lang, instantly showed a look of fear: "how is it you?"

"Yes, I am the one who will take your life." Qin Lang smiles, as if to say a normal thing.

"Cough, you, you are Qin Lang!" Li Yuanfei seems to be woken up by the words of the two people, coughing out two mouthfuls of blood, and looking at the young humanity squatting outside the car.

Qin Lang nodded and said, "don't you Li family want to kill me? Today I'm going to let you know what happened to the man who was going to kill me. "

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I don't want to die yet. Don't want to die Hearing this sentence, Li Zheng immediately yelled at Qin Lang.

"If you kill me, you boy will be buried with you!" Although Li Yuanfei was seriously injured, he did not forget to threaten Qin Lang at this moment, hoping to let them live.

"With you? Ha ha ha, I'm not afraid to support myself to death. Your little Jiu Jiu, as I know clearly, is not there any Li family in Kyoto? Am I right Qin Lang sneered.

"You..." Li Yuanfei looks surprised when he hears this. Since people have already said this, they already know it.

"Well, I just had a whim to see you Li's father and son before I die. I want you two to have a good look at who killed you. Don't die unknowingly. How pathetic that would be." As he spoke, Qin Lang stood up. The ice field on his body reappeared, covering the Li family's father and son's body and suffocating them to death.

"When the matter is finished, Li's father and son died in a car accident. They can only say that they have bad luck and can't blame others. Ha ha ha." While talking, Qin Lang walked to Jianghai city.

was as like as two peas were walking on the street. Suddenly, it seemed that there was a pair of eyes around him watching himself. It was exactly the same as the Li family felt at the time when Qin Lang died.

Qin Lang quickly unfolded his divine consciousness, intending to seize the man. He found a strange sight in the distance and turned his head to look at a tree in the distance.

When he turned to the body, he saw a dark shadow flash by, it seems that the other side's vigilance is also very high.

Last time I didn't see half a shadow. This time, I finally showed my horse's feet.

Who on earth is it? Thinking of this, Qin Lang's eyes become cold. He chases them out and launches them with the cloud piercing shuttle.

"It's definitely those who belong to the hermit family, otherwise they can't have this skill." Qin Lang said to himself.

It is obvious that he has a unique idea to spy on me even though he has been discovered by me before. However, it is hard for him to find out that he has such a skillful means of concealing his breath.

After chasing for a moment, he lost the enemy's whereabouts. Qin Lang stopped and looked at the cloud piercing shuttle that came back at the moment. It was stained with blood.

"Good body, but you won't be so lucky next time I meet you."

Qin Lang snorted coldly, then put away his divine consciousness. He didn't care at all. Then he left again and walked towards Jianghai city.At this time, in a forest far away, the man with a cold face and a scar on his forehead stopped to cover his injured left shoulder and couldn't help bleeding out.

After a breathless observation for four weeks, he picked up the herbs in his pocket and bandaged himself. Then he took out a phone from his pocket and dialed it.

"Master, the man found me again. He seems to have a strong sense of perception. He chased me for a while, and now I am hurt." The man's tone had some self reproach and pain from the wound. He thought of the attack he had dealt with before. If it had not been for his own magic weapon to protect his life, I'm afraid he would have been in a different place at the moment, and would not have lived here at all.

"What a loser. Li's things have not been found. You can't do anything to let you follow each other. You can't do such a little thing well. What's the use of keeping you?" A very old voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, the master taught." The man did not dare to contradict the host, so he had to answer what the host said was right.

"Next time, if you're found out, you don't have to come back." With that, the other side hung up.

The man with scar face took a deep breath and thought about how to complete the next task. In his opinion, the next time would be his last time. He could feel that Qin Lang was very dangerous.

As soon as Qin Lang returned to school, he saw Su manling waiting for him to return at the gate.