Before Qin Lang had time to be happy, his spirit fell directly into the corpse which was constantly absorbing huge energy. After a while, Qin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and some memories in his mind appeared in his eyes one by one. You don't have to think about them to know that they are the original memories of this corpse.

This person is also surnamed Qin, but he is called Qin Shou. What kind of parents can give such an excellent name? Qin Shou? Animals? I don't know what the parents in charge think. Just when Qin Lang looked at the rich experience of this body, he deeply realized that there are people outside people and mountains beyond mountains.

Originally thought that the Qin family's waste firewood that he had possessed before was regarded as the best, but compared with the man called the beast who is possessed by him now, he is just a little bit of a wizard.

At this time, the place where Qin Lang came is the outermost part of the whole Xiuzhen realm, that is, the tenth level area. The outer layer, that is, the tenth order star field, has the largest scope, and the innermost level, that is, the first level star field, has the smallest scope. The more you go inside, the higher the monks' accomplishments and the strongest power of the sect Big.

At this time, the guy attached to Qin Lang was the youngest disciple accepted by the third ranked Taoist and Tianzong master among the hundreds of sects in the ten level star region.

According to the truth, people who can be admired by such a big sect leader are not stupid. Of course, Qin Shou is a genius among the talents. When he was only 15 years old, his cultivation had reached the middle of the end of the Dan realm. He could be called the most amazing and gorgeous disciple in the whole sect.

However, this situation did not last for a long time. In the next two years, his accomplishments did not make any progress. On the contrary, he regressed a lot. Qin Shou, who was expected to achieve the goal of crossing the loot on the day of the rite of passage at the age of 18, became the legendary head of Qin Dynasty. In the past two years, he actually regressed to the early stage of foundation construction!

But the elder martial brothers who flattered Qin Shou before saw him again. After this, their attitude changed sharply. Originally, before and after going out of the east gate, there would be a large number of people around him, and all of a sudden, no one left.

How could the young genius's mind experience such a great blow? His mind was rapidly depressed in just a few months. It was obvious that he had already broken the jar and abandoned himself. This greatly disappointed the elders who had held some hope for him before, and withdrew the treasure from him one after another.

So in this distance and their own adult ceremony about half a year, Qin Shou this person in a very short period of time will be his previous dozen years down the reputation of all to the end.

Today, I peeked at the female disciple's bath. Tomorrow, I will eat the Lingyu chicken raised in the sect. After a few days, I will feed the spirit elixir that several elders worked hard to refine to the spirit beast in the sect, or go out with the disciples to drink flower wine, ah? Anyway, it seems that in order to vent his depression, Qin Shou has done almost all the things that a dandy can do in just a few months.

However, just a few days ago, he did one thing, which made everyone unbearable, so that almost all the disciples of the zongmen told him to punish the elder.

What he did was that he lost all the salary that zongmen would pay every month on the gambling table. That is to say, for such a big zongmen, there was no spirit stone to pay this month.

As for how Qin Shou got the stone, the elder didn't know, and he didn't want to know. Seeing the tens of thousands of jade slips in front of him, almost all of them were accusing Qin Shou of what he had done these days. However, the punishment elder finally made a decision.

Qin Shou was banished from zongmen barren mountain for three months. If he failed to reach jiedan state before the initiation ceremony at the age of 18, he would be expelled from Zong. That is to say, his name will never appear in zongmen's Zongjian.

When the punishment was decided, almost all the people in the clan cheered, including those who envied and envied him, and those who had always regarded him as a thorn in the flesh, regardless of how much prestige he had brought to the specialty.

"Ha ha ha ha, elder Mingjian, I finally expelled this rubbish. Because of him, zongmen has become the laughing stock of others. I really don't know whether he relied on any cheating means at the beginning."

"What the elder martial brother said was that it was blind to think that we still valued him so much at the beginning."

"That's right. Now that he has suffered the bitter fruit, he has been banished from the mountain by his family, which can be regarded as retribution."

Listen to the voice of his own ears, Qin Shou helplessly smile, this is the person walking tea cool? Two years ago, it was known as the most dazzling star in the clan. Now it has become a waste in other people's mouth?

"Brother Qin, don't listen to their nonsense. They look down upon people with a dog's eyes. I believe that brother Qin will be able to return to the peak before the Adulthood Ceremony at the age of 18!" Just when Qin's head was dead, a voice like a yellow warbler came into his ears.Qin Shou looked back at the girl who stood behind her without any taboo. She shook her head helplessly: "younger martial sister Wan'er, go back and stand with me, lest those villains say you are not."

Nangong Wan'er was worshipped by the patriarch with her at the beginning, and her accomplishments were second only to her. In the past two years of her retrogression, she was even more dazzling than herself. At the age of 17, she had reached the end of the pill realm, and a breakthrough in the crossing of robbery was just around the corner.

Looking at the only one who could bring warmth to himself in the whole clan, Qin first touched her hair for the last time: "go back, if there is no miracle..."

If there was no miracle, he would have been banished from the barren mountains by virtue of his early achievements in building the foundation environment. In the past three months, he would never come back.

Nangong Waner wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the disciples of the penalty Hall: "younger martial sister Wan'er, the time is almost up, we have to watch him go to the barren mountain."

"Elder martial brother, you must not give up. I believe there will be a miracle." Nangong Wan'er threw herself into Qin's head, raised her head and said to him.