"Enough, younger martial sister Wan'er, if you continue to pester like this, it will not be good for either of you!" One of the two law enforcement hall disciples, looking at them with a gloomy face, said.

Qin Shou takes a look at him. From his tone of voice, Qin Shou can see that he has some special feelings towards Nangong Wan'er.

But before she asked, she had been pulled out by those two people. "It's almost time, elder martial brother Qin. Let's go to the barren mountain now. If it's late, we can't come back."

With that, she ignored Nangong Waner, who was crying bitterly on one side, and flew directly with Qin Shou to the direction of the barren mountain.

Looking at Nangong Wan'er crying with pear blossom and rain, Qin Shou's heart seems to be poked by something.

However, he had some doubts about the direction of the flight. He immediately said to the two disciples of the law enforcement Hall: "two younger martial brothers, it seems that this direction is not to go to the barren mountains, but to the monster forest."

"Younger martial brother? You have the honor to call us younger martial brother because of your accomplishments in the early stage of foundation construction? " The law enforcement hall disciple who just opened Qin Shou and Nangong Wan'er disdainfully looked at him and said to him.

"For you now, what's the difference between going to the barren mountain or the monster forest? Are they all dead ends? If you go to the monster forest now, you'll be happier if you die! No more suffering from this three-month exile! "

"Damn it, you really don't have a good heart!" Even if Qin Shou was stupid at this time, he knew that he had been calculated by others. But now he was just a monk in the early stage of building the foundation state, and even the people in the middle stage could not beat him. What's more, he was two younger martial brothers who should have completed the foundation construction?

There is no way, Qin Shou can only follow them, let them fly to the direction of the monster forest with themselves. Anyway, he is a waste man now. At this time, he thought that what they said seemed to have some truth.

After flying in the sky for a few hours, the three men finally arrived at the edge of the forest of monsters. Looking at the lush forest ahead, the two law enforcement officers threw Qin Shou down with a smile on their faces.

After being thrown down by them, Qin Shou barely got hurt when he fell down. However, he met a group of green Wolf monsters directly. After killing several green Wolf monsters, Qin Shou was not willing to be bitten by one of them, and even the Dantian was broken by the demon breath.

Looking at his eyes more and more fuzzy world, Qin first unwilling to close his eyes, miracle? Miracles never happen to you! It was the only thought in his mind when he died.

Just when these monsters were ready to eat, they did not know why, just like something terrible happened to them. They howled in a low voice, and they just disappeared.

After a while, Qin Lang's God never knew how many light-years away from the earth was instantly transmitted, straight into the body of this just died.

After understanding all the recent events on this corpse, Qin Lang thought silently in his heart: I don't know why I occupied your body, but you can rest assured that since I have occupied your body, I will fulfill your last wish, and I will certainly let the people of daotianzong look at you with a new look!

It seems that Qin Lang really wants to do something for himself. At this time, the slight resentment surrounding the body of Qin Shou disappeared after several circles around the body.

At this time, Qin Lang lies in the corpse. After getting used to the body, he slowly gets up from the ground. Now that he knows that this is the tenth level star region, he can see a glimmer of hope for revenge in the future.

The place where you are the most noble one in the previous life is naturally the first level in the innermost layer, and also the one with the strongest aura of heaven and earth. However, I have never been in contact with the outer tenth level star field. Since I am here now, I should enjoy it. Otherwise, I am sorry that I can be reborn twice in a row.

Thinking of this matter, Qin Lang's heart is also full of doubts. He really can't understand why he can be reborn twice in a row.

Looking at his surrounding environment, Qin Lang pressed this doubt in his heart. Since he has a new plan, he naturally has to face this matter with a new mentality.

After moving his body, Qin Lang looked at the monster forest that he had heard about in the first star region, known as the seven forbidden areas of the Xiuzhen realm. He looked at the towering trees which were not much different from ordinary trees. After thinking about it, Qin Lang decided to go deeper.

However, before I want to go deep into the monster forest, I should do some preparation. Otherwise, I will waste my chance of rebirth.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang couldn't help but lower his head to carefully explore what his current cultivation situation is. After all, the body is the capital of revolution. If he keeps falling to the innate state, or even the cultivation of the acquired realm, he will certainly turn around and leave.Qin Lang sat down cross legged and put his divine consciousness into the sea of knowledge and the field of elixir. Fortunately, he did not know why. When his original God fell into this body, there was no accident. It was still in the early stage of foundation construction.

This makes Qin Lang feel a little comforted, but now there is no time to explore carefully. Why does Qin Shou's realm not advance and retreat? Otherwise, he has to help him solve this matter.

Since he still has his early accomplishments in building the foundation environment, Qin Lang has a little confidence in his heart. This should be the most peripheral place of the monster forest. Naturally, there are some brave monks who come here to hunt and kill monsters in exchange for their daily necessities.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Lang decided to go to the periphery of the monster forest and eat something to fill his stomach. Before he reached the later stage of jiedan state, he could not absorb the spirit of heaven and earth to build the valley. Most of the time, he still needed to use spiritual plants to replenish the energy consumed in his body.

The so-called spiritual plants are edible plants that contain aura in the cultivation world. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are gathering places. Qin Lang has not been far away and saw an inn in front of him.

"Ha ha ha, I knew there must be an inn here." Qin Lang laughed twice and walked straight to the inn.