"Somebody, give me a pot of your famous wine, and give me two of the best dishes." Entering the inn, Qin Lang said aloud. I don't know if it's because he has just been robbed and reborn. He feels very hungry.

"OK, sir, just a moment. The food and wine will be here soon." A young man who looked like a young man dressed up as a young man answered, said to Qin Lang, and then turned and walked into the kitchen.

What's different from the earth here is that even people in the secular world know the existence of practitioners. They even honor their children's access to the ancestral gate. Quite a few of them mean that one person cultivates and the whole family is honored.

Taking advantage of the time when the young man went back to serve himself, Qin Lang had a chance to take a good look at this seemingly OK inn. After all, he should be careful when going out. In case it is a black shop, it will be troublesome.

However, Qin Lang's worry was obviously unnecessary. Just as he looked around the inn, several waves of monks came in from the outside. Judging from their clothes, they should be monks of the same sect.

"Ha ha ha, I said, old three, I killed a few monsters today. How about you?" A big man with a beard said to several people behind him.

How can we compare with you? A few days ago, you just broke through to the late stage of Zhuji environment. At this time, some of us are still wandering in the middle stage. I don't know when we can be like you. " Several monks behind the big man with beard said to him in compliment. It seems that this man is the leader.

Hearing what they said, Qin Lang's eyebrows wrinkled a little. After so many years, has the cultivation world declined to such a level that even the monks in the later period of building the foundation state can become the elder martial brother of others?

However, he forgot that he had been wandering outside for so many years. After this reincarnation, he came to the outer star region, which naturally could not be compared with the first-order star domain he was in.

Just as Qin Lang was thinking about something, the waiter who had entered the kitchen before came out with two pots of good wine and good dishes.

"My guest, here you are. The signboard of our shop is the best wine Linghua wine and the best dish Tianjing animal heart. Enjoy it slowly. If you need anything, please call me at any time." The second mock exam man placed the wine and vegetables on the table of Qin Lang and said to him.

"Well, I see. Go down and I'll call you if you need anything." Looking at the good wine and food on his table, Qin Lang said to him, but now he can't help eating.

"Good, sir. Please enjoy yourself." The young man answered and retired.

Qin Lang took two mouthfuls of the so-called top-grade dishes in the Inn and put them in his mouth. Qin Lang tasted two mouthfuls carefully. Sure enough, the meat was fat but not greasy. He drank another mouthful of the so-called Linghua wine, which was soft and mellow. After a careful aftertaste, he even had some Aura. Qin Lang could not help but exclaimed.

While eating the best food and wine, listening to the news from the people in the inn, they did not expect that all they were talking about at this time was that Qin Shou was expelled from daotianzong.

"Well, have you all heard? Qin Shou, a gifted disciple of Tianzhong before, was banished to the barren mountain by the elder punishment for stealing the spirit stone to gamble. He threatened that if he could not reach the end of the Dan realm before the rite of passage at the age of 18, he would be expelled from the sect forever and would never enter the mountain. " Another man at the table asked about his partner.

"Who knows such a big thing? Who doesn't know? If you want to say that this Qin Shou is also self inflicted, how good it is to enjoy the monthly salary of zongmen. You have to do this kind of thing, and you can't blame other people to drive him out of zongmen. "

"What do you know? Qin Shou is a young genius. Naturally, he is extremely proud in his heart. What would you do if you took any resources from the clan and then got the lowest salary every month?"

"It's just a pity that he is such a young genius."

Listening to all the people talking about him, Qin Lang had no choice but to smile. He didn't expect that his evil body could lead to such a big disturbance. Besides the seven forbidden areas, there were news about him, which made people dumbfounded.

Looking at his own food at this time, Qin Lang said to the young man before him: "waiter, check out!"

"Here it is! Hello, my guest. There are 41 orange crystals in total. " The young man came to Qin Lang and said with a smile, "I'm looking at you. I think it's the first time I've come to our inn. I'll take you forty orange crystals."

In today's Xiuzhen world, currency is universal. It can be divided into seven grades: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The red grade is the lowest, which is commonly used by ordinary people, and purple is the highest. Even people in the heavenly realm will use it to buy things. The exchange rate between each level is 1:100. Qin Lang ate 41 orange crystals for this meal, which is considered a luxury.

Fortunately, although the cultivation of this body was no longer there, the storage bag was still there. Qin Lang opened the storage bag with the few remaining zhenyuanli, took out 40 orange crystals from it, handed them to the young man, and then walked out of the inn.However, he did not see that when he gave 40 orange crystals to the young man, he attracted the attention of the group who had come in before. Even if these four or five of them had eaten this meal, they could have spent less than 20 orange crystals.

"Look, elder martial brother..." Said a younger martial brother.

The chief bearded man waved his hand at him, indicating that he knew that in this land boundary, it is common to kill and rob treasure. As long as you do something hidden and throw the corpse into the monster forest, it will be gnawed away within three days. After seeing Qin Lang's generous hand, he is obviously moved.

Not long after Qin Lang walked out of the inn, several of them followed him one after another and went out, apparently trying to do something.

At this time, naturally, Qin Lang did not expect that he had already attracted some people's attention just because he had a meal. Instead, he did not go directly to the monster forest, but went to the market selling animal mounts after some inquiry.

Seeing that Qin Lang even wanted to buy a mount, a look of interest appeared on the face of the big man with a long beard. He was really a disciple of a rich family. You know, most people who come to the demon beast forest want to experience their own experience. Those who want to buy a mount here are usually the disciples of large families who are rich or expensive.