"So it is. If you don't make it clear to me earlier, I will be suspicious of you." Hearing the old horse say so, Qin Lang just put down the psychological doubt and answered to it.

"Tell me who those monsters are? How did you get in touch with them, and why did they want to hunt us? " At this time, all the doubts in the heart of the river were asked by Qin Lang, staring at the old horse and saying.

"I have told you just now? Those people are from the blood hunting hall. Ah, no, strictly speaking, they can't be called human beings. They are just monsters with slightly higher intelligence. " The old horse made a voice and explained to Qin Lang.

"You have to know that this undead blood contains a wide range, covering the whole ten star regions of the Xiuzhen realm. Naturally, there is no lack of power among them. If you want to condense the immortal blood to the highest level 12, that is, the blood concentration in Phoenix's body at the time of ancient times, but the power of a person is too small, so it naturally comes naturally This kind of organization came into being

"Do you mean that this kind of organization is specially used to hunt and kill people or monsters with immortal blood in their bodies, so as to purify their own blood?" Qin Lang has some doubts.

"Yes, as far as I know, this kind of similar organization exists in almost every star region of the Xiuzhen realm, but the largest one still belongs to the blood hunting hall. I don't know how many years it has existed, and I don't know what level the highest concentration of blood has reached. I only know that its history is very long, so far that I don't know my inheritance memory Tao. " After thinking about it, Lao Ma solemnly said to Qin Lang.

"The reason why I know them so well is because of the inheritance of blood memories in my body, and the other is that I have had positive contact with them before, so..."

"So it is. But since they have existed for a long time according to what you said, they have not been able to form a higher level of blood?"

Thinking of Lao Ma's saying to himself that he even has the memory of the blood hunting hall in his body, Qin Lang gasps. It has been such a long time that the organization does not know how many immortal people or monsters have accumulated, and they are still pursuing them. Is there not one in the organization now Can you reach the highest blood concentration in the legend?

"I know what you're thinking. It's quantitative change that leads to qualitative change. Catch some monsters or people who are mostly low-level immortal blood, and force them to fuse together to create a higher level of blood force. Do you think so?" Seeing what Qin Lang was thinking, Lao Ma said to her,

"yes, I do think so. If I had done this for such a long time, I'm afraid they would have artificially created people or animals that contain the twelve level immortal blood force?"

Since the old horse has said that there is a wide range of people or monsters with immortal blood, according to the length of their existence, I'm afraid it will cost a lot to catch them all, refine them and swallow them, and then the expected effect will be achieved, so that the blood concentration of people attached to this organization will reach a higher level 。

"Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, and at the beginning, the blood hunting hall did. At the beginning, the effect was very obvious. But after a long time, people with immortal blood are not fools. Naturally, they know how to hide their blood power, which makes them become more and more important when they are looking for immortal blood It's even more difficult. I don't know where to expose it like you. "

Hearing this from Lao Ma, Qin Lang has some shame. He has just acquired this body for a long time. Moreover, he does not know that there is such a secret force in the cultivation world. He secretly pursues and kills people with immortal blood. How can he hide the strength in his body?

"But what makes me feel strange is that when I just used the demon yuan force to cover up the immortal blood force on you, I felt very hard. According to common sense, this should not happen at all. I have done such things for my peers before, but there has never been such a situation like you. Is there anything strange about you?"

Thinking of the resistance that came when he just wanted to cover up the immortal blood power of Qin Lang, Ma was a little depressed, because it represented that, to a certain extent, it was the same as the blood concentration in his own body, which seemed to him impossible.

"Strange thing? No, what strange things can I have on me Hearing this from old ma, Qin Lang was naturally very puzzled. He had only a few months to take away the body. What strange things could exist in his body? According to the truth, he should know.

"No, no, no, there is absolutely something in you, and it's not an external force, it's your own reason." The old horse said to Qin Lang firmly, and then he wanted to tear off all his clothes with his own teeth and take a closer look at what was wrong with his body."Oh, I'll go! What's wrong with you, Ma? How can you say it's good, and you have to tear your clothes? " Qin Lang, who was frightened by the old horse's action, ran to one side and said to him angrily looking at the old horse.

"Don't I wonder what you have? Take off your clothes and show them to me, or will you believe that I will take off all your clothes while you are sleeping? " Seeing Qin Lang and some embarrassed, the old horse showed a wretched smile and said to him.

"No, no, no, you must not! Don't you just want to see what I have on me, just to satisfy you. But isn't it very good to take off clothes in the wilderness? Otherwise, we'll find a cave first

Hearing that old Ma said that he wanted to take himself off when he was sleeping, Qin Lang felt cold. The vulgar old horse, since he had said so, would certainly be able to do so. Instead of doing so, he might as well take off his clothes and let him have a good look at it and satisfy his curiosity.

"That's right. I think you are also delicate. In the forest of monsters, a horse can't bear to look directly at a naked man." The old horse gave a shudder.