It seems that Qin is willing to take off his clothes, but he doesn't want to show his body in the mountain.

"Well? You wait, you wait, don't go so fast, OK? " When Qin Lang stripped off his clothes and turned his back to the old horse, he suddenly opened his mouth and said to her, and at the same time let him stop his rotation.

"What's the matter? What do you see? Is there really something wrong with me? " It seems that he heard the different tone of the old horse. Qin Lang was a little puzzled and asked him, is there something that he didn't know about? "You should tell me about it quickly."

"I said," boy, do you know what these patterns are behind you? " At this time, the old horse carefully covered the mysterious patterns on his back. His voice trembled and said to him that he could feel these patterns, which seemed to be of great benefit to him. If he could tattoo them on his body, I'm afraid his realm would not be just like this now.

"Pattern?" Qin Lang has some doubts. He vaguely remembers that when he entered the body of Qin Shou, his back was facing him, and in his vague memory, there seems to be no pattern on his back as the old horse said.

"What color is the pattern and what does it look like? Can you describe it to me? " Hearing this, Qin Lang has some itching in his heart, but he can't turn his head 180 degrees. He can't see the pattern on his back. He can only turn to Lao ma.

"You're keeping me away. Have a good look." The old horse walked back and carefully looked at the pattern on Qin Lang's back. "The color should be purple. As for the shape..." After looking at it carefully for a long time, Ma suddenly said in shock, "dragon! It's the dragon! How can it be a dragon

When he heard the old horse say that the color was purple, Qin Lang had a vague guess in his heart. After that, Lao Ma suddenly lost his voice and said that the shape of the pattern was a dragon. He had already thought of it in his heart.

Purple Dragon print! I didn't expect that at the beginning of his reincarnation from the earth, the purple dragon pattern seal was still brought to this cultivation world by himself at this moment. It was just too surprising for me.

"Damn you, tell me how the pattern on your body came from? What's wrong with it? Why is it Dragon Seal At this time, the old horse is already a little crazy. It seems that the stimulation of this pattern on it is too big.

"If I knew how it came from, would I still strip off for you to see?" For the old horse's question, Qin Lang does not agree. Although he has always been puzzled about the origin of the purple dragon print, if he is asked to explain to Lao Ma how it came from, he can't tell clearly. After all, the origin of this thing is mysterious, and it also appears on himself in a very strange way.

"I said," old horse, isn't there a pattern on his body? As for your reaction? " At this time, looking at Qin Lang is already a little lost in his mind, he put on his clothes and asked him in a voice.

"What do you know! But if the pattern on your body is different, I won't be like this, but why is it dragon? Boy, do you know what it means to have a dragon seal on your body while you are still alive? "

Seeing Qin Lang still has some disapproval appearance, the old horse some hate iron not into steel to say to him, "do you know what this represents? It means that you still have the blood of the real dragon, and it is a very powerful life grid

"Fate? I've never believed that, but I'm more curious about the immortal blood and the real dragon blood. Would you mind telling me about it? " Hearing this, Qin Lang smiles innocently and asks curiously.

"You should know! Strictly speaking, this immortal blood is the Phoenix blood, which represents the four great mythical animals of the ancient times. Since the Phoenix will have blood, then the other three great beasts, Qinglong, white tiger and Xuanwu, will naturally have them. It's just that there is no immortal blood, which is not well known. " Old ma opened his mouth and explained to Qin Lang.

Through Lao Ma's explanation, Qin Lang knew that the whole Xiuzhen world was not only spread by the immortal blood, but also by the other three sacred animals. It was just that there was no such immortal blood.

Needless to say, there are three chances of Nirvana rebirth in one's life when one is seriously injured.

The man with the blood of the green dragon has a more powerful sea of Qi and blood than the monks of the same rank. Because the blood of the green dragon belongs to the power of wood, and the attribute of wood is naturally a powerful vitality. This proves why Qin Lang can use the skill of blood evasion constantly while avoiding the pursuit of the nine elders, without wasting his blood essence.

The man with white tiger's blood power, who is in charge of gold and decisive in killing and cutting, is absolutely invincible in the same rank, and even can be challenged by leaps. After all, its attack attribute has the attribute of sharp edge, which can not be plundered.

As for the people with the blood of Xuanwu, although they are not as decisive as the white tiger in theory, they are indestructible in defense. Generally speaking, these people are good at defense. Compared with those with white tiger blood, they are like a sharp spear and the strongest shield. Although some people have always wanted them to have a try, they are still weak in terms of blood Less, this kind of situation has not appeared, only exists in people's imagination.Moreover, according to Lao Ma himself, in his inheritance memory, no one has ever been able to have two blood vessels at the same time, so Qin Lang's current situation is incredible to him.

"Wait a minute. Why do you think that there will be two kinds of sacred animal blood on me? Do you rely on the purple dragon print on the back of my body?" Hearing this, Qin Lang interrupted his words and asked him.

"Otherwise, how do you think the Dragon Seal on the back of you came from? You don't think you painted it when you were sleeping Hearing Qin Lang's question, the old horse rolled his eyes.

"So you mean that I have not only Phoenix blood, but also green dragon blood in my body." Seeing the old horse nodded, Qin Lang felt helpless.

I know that the immortal blood should be owned by Qin Shou himself, and the green dragon blood should be brought by his own yuan God, which is a little interesting.