"I think that's why I feel resistance when I seal your body just now. I have two blood vessels at the same time. It's really his grandmother's!" Thinking of the resistance he felt just after the ban, Ma was a little aggrieved. What kind of bad luck did this boy go?

The second time that the dragon's heart was sealed by the blood of the old horse, it was the second time that he did not add the fire to the old horse's heart There is also resistance, but it does not say.

"Old horse, old horse, it seems that I really underestimated you! I know everything. I think your ancestors should be a very powerful demon, even a god beast. " Hearing the old horse's explanation, Qin Lang looked at it and said.

"Don't worry about me, you'd better think about yourself. Otherwise, you are carrying two sacred animal blood at the same time. I'm afraid you will be listed as the key object of care in the blood hunting hall. You'd better not use any power of the two blood lines from now on. Otherwise, I'm 100% sure that you will be watched by them until you die."

Qin Lang nodded when he heard the speech. He also knew that he was innocent. Although he said that he had done nothing, only these two blood vessels appeared in his body at the same time. This is absolutely the biggest sin.

"It seems that I still underestimate you, boy. I didn't expect you to have so many secrets." Old ma stares at Qin Lang and says, "boy, if I guess correctly, the immortal blood in your body should be of good grade, but the quality is good, but the quantity is not enough. Otherwise, I can't have resistance in any case, even if you still have green dragon blood."

Hearing the old horse's words, Qin Lang had some helplessness. It seems that this body and his own spirit seem to have produced some strange chemical reaction, which even made the mysterious old horse feel difficult.

"Don't worry about these things. Ma, if you said you were born in the forest of monsters, explain to me why the forest is not the same as it was when we entered the forest a few months ago. If it wasn't really from that small village, I doubt whether we are still in the forest."

After solving this problem, Qin Lang asked the old horse his doubts. After all, this kind of thing happened to him. If he didn't get a reasonable explanation, he would not continue to go to the monster forest. After all, it was too dangerous. Maybe there was some strange change in it.

"People who often walk in the forest of monsters should know this situation. Don't you know that?" Seeing the puzzled expression on Qin Lang's face, the old horse was puzzled. According to the truth, these friars should understand the changes in the monster forest.

"It's not that you don't know me. Now I'm only 17 years old. Before, I had been practicing with the master in my family. Where did you come to such a place?" Seeing the puzzled expression of old horse, Qin Lang opened his mouth and explained to him.

What he said was true. Before being expelled from the sect, the body he occupied had been practicing in silence with the master in the sect. Where did he come here? Strictly speaking, the time he was thrown to the demon beast forest by the disciples of law enforcement hall was the first time that he seriously left the middle gate. It was just this time that he was asked Life.

"So it is. In that case, I will act as your life tutor today to explain to you what happened to the monster forest." The old horse is very upset to say.

Under Lao Ma's explanation, Qin Lang knew that the location of the forest was not fixed. Strictly speaking, the whole range of the forest was like a huge disc, and it would automatically turn up every other period of time.

As for the specific reason, no one knows, only that the entrance of the forest outside before entered was another scene, which is why Qin Lang found that he had not entered the place before he entered to guard the spirit.

"It's no wonder that I still turn around by myself every once in a while. It's unbelievable." Hearing what Lao Ma said to himself, Qin Lang could not help but come up with the theory of continental plate shifting on the earth. However, he was surprised that these things could also happen in the Xiuzhen world, which is light years away from the earth.

He knew that there was a conclusion that the whole continent was a whole piece on earth. It was only after a long time and a long time that there were seven pieces of continent fragments under various circumstances. The meaning of monster forest was similar in essence, except that people moved around by themselves, while the continent on the earth fell apart.

"So the area where we are now is actually the forest of monsters. Are other areas?" Qin Lang looked at the old horse and asked him, if so, if he stayed in the monster order for another period of time, he didn't know where he was going. At that time, when he wanted to go back to heaven, I'm afraid there would be no possibility of finding a way."You don't have to worry about that. With my ability, you can still take you out of the forest of monsters. However, what you need to consider now is whether you will continue to experience in the forest, or stay here for more than two months, and then return to your ancestral home again?"

Hearing this, Qin Lang seriously considered that he was just a person who had cultivated in the early days of jiedan state. If he came back to the sect and didn't have strong strength, he would have no ability to fight back if his blood was found out, let alone become the leader of Qin. He shook his head when he thought of this.

"No, I can't waste these months in vain. I've already swallowed the nine elder's blood elixir that you refined before. Now the medicine is still hidden in my four limbs and hundreds of bones. I believe that as long as I urge it out, I can improve a small level. I will make good use of the next two months to hone my Taoism And cultivation. "

Qin Lang said to Lao Ma, and put forward the idea that he wanted to continue to follow the old horse into the demon beast forest. After all, with his current cultivation, in the whole daotianzong, that is, the level above the middle level, even the first level can not reach.