Zhang Xiaofan himself is not a good man.

Today, I didn't pick it up from Wenmiao street.

On the contrary, they were also entangled by the two people who bumped porcelain out of which corner.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan's heart has long held a breath of anger.

I'm worried that there's no place to vent. I didn't expect that these two stupid thieves would take the initiative to deliver them to the door!

How could Zhang Xiaofan let go of such a chance?

That is to see, Zhang Xiaofan simply do not do two.

Fly a foot to directly kick the other person who is coming directly.

Then, two steps ahead.

He came to the two men and stepped on their hands and legs respectively.

Clear bone fracture sound, accompanied by the two middle-aged people that increasingly weak howl sounded.

Let those originally hot blooded onlookers, at this time, it is like being thrown a basin of cold water to head-on.

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan such cruel and decisive means.

They all shivered hard.

"I went there, but I didn't expect that the boy was also a cruel character!"

Looking, Zhang Xiaofan at this time a foot on the two middle-aged people.

Everyone was shivering.

Almost at the same time, the idea came out of my mind.

After a few feet down, Zhang Xiaofan saw that at this time, the two middle-aged people at his feet had completely passed out.

Simply did not continue to step on.

Although his previous action was to touch the porcelain hands, both feet were crushed.

But it's not life-threatening, and it was the two men who took the lead.

With so many witnesses on the scene, everything Zhang Xiaofan did after that can also be classified as self-defense.

Now, however, the two men are completely unconscious.

If he continues to commit violence against them, he is suspected of over defense.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want to bring himself any unnecessary trouble because of these two unfortunate men who are in contact with porcelain.

So, this is the time to stop.

"What are you doing

"Don't you tie them up and take them to the police station nearby!"

Zhang Xiaofan moved his lower body.

To see the people around one seems to be silly, are looking at themselves with a pair of monster like eyes. I can't help laughing.

"Oh, oh, OK, no problem..."

after hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, the security guards of Wenmiao Street nodded again and again just like a chicken pecking rice.

Just like waking up from a dream, he went to tie the two people who touched porcelain.

After all, for their security, if we capture these two porcelain bumpers who have damaged the security environment of Wenmiao street.

For them, of course, it is also a great credit.

The reason why they didn't dare to move was simply shocked by Zhang Xiaofan's ruthless and direct means!

"Oh, that's interesting."

Looking at this time, one by one swarmed forward to capture the two porcelain bumpers who had been unconscious for a long time.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help laughing.

Just as he shook his head and was about to leave.

That is to see, before that old Guo walked up to Zhang Xiaofan and said with a smile: "young man, I think you have a lot of research on this antique, porcelain?"

"I happen to know that there is an antique shop named zhenbaoge in Wenmiao street. Today, there is a treasure hunting meeting in Zhenbao Pavilion."

"Why don't you go with me? See if you like it

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