Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, he was puzzled.

This old Guo is naturally aware of Zhang Xiaofan's worries. Then he waved his hand and said, "ha ha, don't worry, little brother."

"If you help me look at antiques, I won't let you see them in vain."

"If, if the young man can help me pick out the real one, how about we split the bill fifty-five?"

"Oh? Split the bill fifty-five! "

Smell speech, Zhang Xiaofan eyes suddenly a bright.

Can't help but look at the old man, said: "well, I don't know how to call the old man?"

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile, "my name is Guo, and my name is Yun Zheng."

"I'm going to drag you up, young man. You can call me uncle Guo."

"I don't have any other hobbies. When I get older, I like to be nostalgic."

"So I want to find some good antiques and antiques to collect."

"Well, no problem. Uncle Guo, go ahead and lead the way. "

Zhang Xiaofan himself came to this Wenmiao Street antique market to see if he could find any leakage through his own eyes.

At this time, since Guo Yunzheng has said so much.

If Zhang Xiaofan refuses.

What's more, it's a good deal to meet such a white wolf.

Is it not wise not to do it?

However, since Zhang Xiaofan decided to go to the treasure hunting meeting with Guo Yunzheng.

That must be more preparation, if you want to be too outsider, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone.

Directly entered the wechat application and edited a message to Taibai Jinxing.

"Taibai Jinxing, can you find me a fairy friend who knows the collection of antiques, porcelain and jade in heaven?"

"Hey, big brother, look at that."

"You can't go straight to me for this kind of thing?"

Zhang Xiaofan this news just sent out, there too white Venus immediately reply, way.

"Oh? Then you know how to appreciate antiques. "

"Then send a relevant introduction list. I'm in urgent need

When Zhang Xiaofan saw the white Venus, he was still involved in the antique appreciation. His eyes lit up immediately and he sent the news to him.

"Ding Dong!"

The next moment, Zhang Xiaofan is feeling his mobile phone a shock.

Then, a big red envelope appeared in the center of the screen.

He didn't hesitate to take it apart.

"You have captured the Chinese antiques, porcelain, jade, appreciation of Taibai Jinxing. It is now stored in the treasure house. "

See this system prompt, Zhang Xiaofan heart next happy directly into the treasure Pavilion, this appreciation of the whole to extract.

We can see that this is a pale gold beam invisible to the naked eye, which is directly shot out from the screen of Zhang Xiaofan's mobile phone.

And then quickly drilling into the mind of Zhang Xiaofan, all of which even Guo Yunzheng, who followed him, did not notice.

Soon, Zhang Xiaofan is feeling in his mind again a huge flow of information.

But after a few previous experiences.

This time, when receiving this stream of information. Zhang Xiaofan is obviously skilled.

In a short time, I sorted out and memorized in my mind the appreciation of Chinese antiques, porcelain and jade.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

The phone vibrates again.

Zhang Xiaofan looked down and saw a message from Taibai Venus.

"Big brother, I have already sent the information you want. Please check

"Well, thank you very much." Zhang Xiaofan, with a smile, replied casually. , the fastest update of the webnovel!