At the same time, acupuncture also has a lot of attention.

For example, why is it that when I put a silver needle into this acupoint, it will only make the patient feel pain.

But if --

if you insert the same acupoint with the same technique as before, you will be able to cure the patient and save the patient?

For ordinary people, it's something they can't understand.

And people have always been used to putting things they don't understand right now.

Or what science can't explain is called.

"Pseudo science", "superstition", "cult"!

This is like the Renaissance -

European astronomer Copernicus put forward the correct heliocentric theory when the geocentric theory prevailed.

However, they were directly regarded as heretics by the Catholic Church in Europe.

Finally, he was put on the fire rack and burned to death with fire!

Today's traditional Chinese medicine --

is not as pagan as Copernicus when he put forward the heliocentric theory.

However, there are too many acupuncture techniques in traditional Chinese medicine.

There are also some methods of diagnosis and treatment, which can not be explained by the current scientific methods.

Moreover, in some theories of traditional Chinese medicine and practice.

And a lot of them don't exist for any reason at all.

It's also hard to understand what the principle is.

Therefore, it is precisely because of the above points.

This has made traditional Chinese medicine in recent years.

It has been defined by the medical community, between science and pseudoscience.

However, Zhang Xiaofan, who inherited Gehong's lifelong medical ethics.

In his heart, however, he was extremely clear.

Because Chinese medicine in the three emperors and five emperors, until now.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of 5000 years.

Traditional Chinese medicine has such a heavy historical heritage.

It's not that the so-called scientific western medicine can use mystery.

There are taboos to these techniques.

Every place, every point.

There's a reason to do that!

And acupuncture method, for this aspect is more exquisite!

Every gesture, angle, and even strength.

There are a lot of attention, taboo in it.

It's just like Zhang Xiaofan is using ghost cave needle, ghost road needle and ghost base needle.

On the surface, it may seem like it's just common to fall down and then lift it up.

But Zhang Xiaofan this each needle falls, and raises the process.

It's all about the energy of the flat peach in his body, mobilization and breath.

With, Zhang Xiaofan this needle, a needle, orderly down, raised.

Luo Qingshan, the body function that was getting weaker and weaker.

Also with this needle, a needle into, lift.

And it's changing.

According to the yuan force of Yin Yang and five elements, the five elements are mutually generated.

Gold generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates soil, and earth generates gold.

In this way, the endless human body runs all over the world.

At the same time, through this way to achieve the balance of the five elements of the human body, the harmony of yin and Yang.

Soon, he saw Luo Qingshan's pale face.

At this time, with the progress of acupuncture and moxibustion, there were obvious changes visible to the naked eye.

I saw, a touch of blood gradually climbed to the face of Luo Qingshan.

And as the blood color continues to converge towards the face, it also makes his overall look ruddy and healthy.

As for Liu Qinghe, who stood aside to observe and learn at the beginning.

After seeing this behind the scenes, he was even more surprised and opened his mouth unconsciously.

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