"Master Zhang, worthy of being a master..."

"if not, see it with your own eyes."

"I absolutely don't believe that acupuncture can really arrive."

"It's like a dead man, but flesh and bone."

"It seems that I have studied Chinese traditional medicine all my life."

"At the end of the day, it's just a frog at the bottom of a well."

However, the whole process seems simple, but the time is incomparably long.

For Zhang Xiaofan's body energy is a great consumption.

So that his forehead has exuded fine sweat.

But Zhang Xiaofan made such efforts. It's also a great achievement!

With Zhang Xiaofan through the operation of the five elements, big week in the process of interest rate adjustment.

Is also gradually Luo Qingshan body, that hidden vitality to a little bit of mobilization.

"President Liu, help me to serve another piece of ginseng for secretary Luo!"

See, Luo Qingshan's vitality has been mobilized by himself.

Zhang Xiaofan rushed to Liu Qinghe after him, saying.

After all, this wild ginseng, which has been used as a royal medicine for hundreds of years.

Its function is to replenish qi and kill!

And now, it is to use it to mobilize the anger.

To hang the critical moment!

Liu Qinghe is also a famous apricot forest expert.

Now, naturally, we can see that this is the critical moment to cure Luo Qingshan.

Simply, he also took out the remaining 100 year old ginseng.

And then it's constantly replaced.

Soon, this is a regular diet supplement words.

It may not be able to run out of old ginseng in a month.

Actually in this short time of less than an hour, it has been completely consumed.

However, with the help of this century wild ginseng own vitality.

It is a great supplement to all kinds of nutrients needed by Luo Qingshan. This tone can be regarded as saved!

In this way, almost another hour passed.

The last wild ginseng of 100 years old was also exhausted.

But this moment.

Luo Qingshan's physical condition, compared with before, is also a huge change!

People are not like the beginning of that air like gossamer, weak pulse state.

Even, Zhang Xiaofan passed the golden eye.

Can clearly see from Luo Qingshan body is spreading out of the vitality!

Although this vitality is still relatively weak, but it really exists!

Zhang Xiaofan, put his finger on Luo Qingshan's right hand and wrist.

Hold one's breath and concentrate on feeling Luo Qingshan's pulse at this time.

He clearly felt that Luo Qingshan's pulse was steady and powerful at this time, and he was completely out of danger.

After realizing that, Zhang Xiaofan was also relieved.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he took back all the silver needles inserted in Luo Qingshan's body.

Then he turned his head and motioned to Liuqing River and pushed the door out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Luo Hongwu walking back and forth in the hall like a headless fly.

"Mr. Luo, bring the medicine."

"Quick, quick!"

Zhang Xiaofan rushes Luo Hongwu, orders, Dao.

"Yes, Master Zhang."

Luo Hongwu didn't dare to neglect him and went in directly with the casserole in his hand.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan also put the prepared Ziheche into the decoction.

The scalding medicine juice directly soaked the Purple River cart completely.

the most pure and pure essence of life is also be made one with medicine juice.

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