After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's explanation.

Li muxue also knows the priority of this matter!

So, without any hesitation, he nodded.

Then, the curtain was pulled tightly.

See, after Li muxue has done all this.

Zhang Xiaofan also exhaled a deep breath.

He strode out of the door and finally locked it from the outside.

In order to guarantee, Li muxue and Yan Liping are the mother and daughter. no danger of anything going wrong!

In the yard.

"Little red man, who are you?"

"Yan Liping and Li muxue, where are these two women?"

At this time, a neck with a chain like a bicycle lock.

The middle-aged man with a golden chain of thumb glanced at Zhang Xiaofan.

Man looked at his back, found that did not see Li muxue's figure, not from curiosity tunnel.

"Without Li muxue, I'm the only one here!"

Zhang Xiaofan said as he looked at the three people who came in.

Then he saw the leader with the gold chain and two strong men with big arms and round waist.

At this time, they are carrying cigarettes, and their expressions and expressions are extremely arrogant and disdainful.

At this time, the two men, like two Dharma protectors, stood beside the golden chain.

One of them is a man with bare arms and full of tattoos.

He is looking down at Zhang Xiaofan at this time, his eyes are full of fun!

Like, for Zhang Xiaofan in the previous words laugh at what!

As for the other, he shaved his head to shine.

He is also with playful eyes, up and down looking at Zhang Xiaofan.

From time to time, there were bursts of malicious laughter.

"Little red man, who are you fooling?"

See that the upper half of the body is full of tattoos of the big man, go to Zhang Xiaofan in front of.

Maliciously glared at him, finger poked Zhang Xiaofan's chest, word by word cold voice, way.

"I'll give you 10 seconds."

"If 10 seconds later. Believe it or not, I'll kill you

Zhang Xiaofan sneered and spat out two words.

Don't believe it

"Little red guy, you are so tired of living...

see, this upper body is full of tattoos, and the strong man is going to teach Zhang Xiaofan a lesson.

Then he saw that the big gold chain shook his hand directly, indicating that he would not do it for the time being.

Big gold chain son will look down on Zhang Xiaofan, see each other's ordinary clothes.

His face is young. He looks like a college student nearby. The color of disdain in the eyes is more and more obvious.

Da Jin Lianzi walks up to Zhang Xiaofan with a cigarette in his mouth and looks down at Zhang Xiaofan.


"Little red guy, I still want to play hero to save the beauty at a young age, right?"

"OK, I'll give you this chance."

"It's just that Yan Liping hasn't made up the money she owes us this month."

"Since. You love heroes saving beauty so much. "

"Then make up the account!"

"After giving the money, our brothers will leave immediately."

Hearing this big gold chain, Zhang Xiaofan squinted, light tunnel.

"Oh? How much is it

"Not much, not much, just 50000 yuan!"

However, the gold chain is not yet finished.

A coin came out of his pocket.

With such a shot, it directly reached the foot of the big gold chain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!