"Take the money and get out of here!"

Zhang Xiaofan, with a cold smile, said.

"Your mother sells lots!"

"Little red man, you still have a fight with Laozi, right?"

Look at this one dollar coin under your feet.

The gold chain was a little stunned.

He didn't expect that Zhang Xiaofan was a little fart child with no hair.

How dare you talk to him in that tone?

He immediately got angry and reached for Zhang Xiaofan's hair!

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly stretched out his left hand.

A capture, dead buckle this big gold chain of the right wrist.

Then, without waiting for him to struggle, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the cheek of the big gold chain.

Then the wrist jerks up!

Directly put the half of the cigarette in his mouth and put it directly into his throat!


Big gold chain, immediately issued a like killing a pig like howl!

What's the temperature of this cigarette end?

In this way, it fell directly into his throat, which immediately turned his teeth into a grin.

Zhang Xiaofan gave a sneer -

he flew up and kicked the big gold chain out.

"Dong!" It's a sound.

Big gold chain son, was directly kicked a four legged.

At this time, the two younger brothers under his hand were all dumbfounded at this time.

All of a sudden, I didn't understand what was going on.

In the last second, he was the boss.

How come this next second, the boss was kicked to fly directly?

This big gold chain has been engaged in drug trade for so many years. How could it ever suffer such a big loss!

And at the moment, I was picked up by a student who didn't grow all the hair.

This let him, Deng Shi Qi's lung almost burst!

He staggered and rose from the ground.

I don't care about the pain. Red eyes, fist toward Zhang Xiaofan hard hit over!

Look at this big gold chain after eating his own foot, can actually stand up in such a short time.

And you can punch yourself!

Zhang Xiaofan was surprised by this!

However, there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

People like this, though he's really tough to beat.

I usually do this kind of drug business again, so it must be difficult to do it.

But all this fell into Zhang Xiaofan's eyes!

But like an ant, in front of an elephant.


See Zhang Xiaofan also does not dodge, wrist a turn.

Directly grasp and hold his right hand little thumb, drink, way.

"Do not accept it!"

Big gold chain small thumb by Zhang Xiaofan system, eat pain under the body with the side.

But how could he bow his head and stick his neck.

"Not satisfied!"

Zhang Xiaofan grinned and said.

"I like your disobedience!"

I didn't get the voice. I just heard a crack.

The little thumb of his right hand was broken in response to the sound!

Ten fingers to one heart!

But at present, this Zhang Xiaofan uses brute force directly!

From the middle, forcefully break the thumb of the golden chain into two pieces!

This kind of pain, immediately let the big gold chain directly issued a tearing heart crack lung scream!

How miserable it is to see this golden chain!

Zhang Xiaofan sneered.

As soon as he flashed, he flashed directly behind the big gold chain.

Raise your leg and kick it towards his pelvis!

Although, the gold chain itself is a real practitioner.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's foot is even a steel plate.

He can kick a hole in it. Don't say it's the big gold chain!

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