However, although Zhang Xiaofan is concerned about the big gold chain.

This kind of drug trafficking and smuggling is abhorrent, but he is not a bloodthirsty person.

Naturally, there is no plan, directly like kicking Shi Jianren.

Kick the spine of the big gold chain and beat it into a vegetable.

He can give a little punishment to this big gold chain!

The big gold chain that he kicked directly burst his pelvis and let him lie in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

This lesson is not much difference can be!

There is no doubt that the only sound of the big gold chain was a shrill cry!

In this way, he had a close contact with the concrete floor.

The whole person immediately kicked a head to break blood!

With a scream of the gold chain fell.

Originally big gold chain, that left a few younger brothers are also at this time silly!

One by one, you look at me, I look at you.

Are from each other's eyes, saw the color of fright to break!

They never thought that this was a famous big gold chain in the road.

How could...

How could a young college student call him like this?

Moreover, look at Zhang Xiaofan's face that a pair of light and cloudless appearance.

It seems to be saying -

Why did you fall down before I exerted myself?

"Big brother, big brother --"

At this time, the bald man and the tattooed man.

Seeing this, he was busy trying to help the gold chain on the ground, but he pushed it directly.

I saw that the big gold chain's eyes were red.

Staring at Zhang Xiaofan fiercely, Dao.

"What are you two doing

"Don't kill this little red man for me!"

The big gold chain growled and tried to struggle to get up.

In the end, I still can't stand up for the severe pain from my lower body.

But he clenched his teeth.

The fierce light that blooms in the eyes, all would like to directly devour Zhang Xiaofan alive!

For many years, since he began to do this business.

It can be said that it is a knife point licking blood, life and death do not know how many times experienced!

But that's it. He came through so many big waves.

But today, I fell into the hands of a little boy!

In any case, this is absolutely intolerable to him!

Today, either you die or I live!

If, today does not let Zhang Xiaofan pay any price!

Well, he doesn't have to continue to mix in the underworld!

And look, this big gold chain so hate to the bone of the bitter eyes.

Finally, Zhang Xiaofan was infuriated!

Heaven has a good life.

He just wanted to blow the pelvis of the golden chain.

Then let him in the wheelchair for the rest of his life, don't do this kind of harmful activities.

But what he didn't think of was.

He has been lenient to him!

He didn't take his own feelings.

There is no end to a bitter sea, and you will find a way back!

At the end of the day, he still clamored to kill himself!

How can Zhang Xiaofan tolerate this?

He strode forward and stepped directly on the right hand of the gold chain who wanted to take the knife.

Just click!

A brittle sound of bone fracture!

Then he saw that the right hand of the gold chain was completely broken. , the fastest update of the webnovel!