Now, Shao Mingzhu took off her glasses.

A pair of peach blossom eyes, it seems to discharge.

There seems to be an irresistible arc between the eye waves.

You have to burst out of it.

It is really a flattering and seductive!

In addition, she has a plump, mature and delicate body.

At this time, it is the hands supporting the cheek.

It is full, but also extrudes out a deep gully.

This gives anyone reason to believe it.

This ravine is enough to bury the ambition of any man in the world.


after all, Zhang Xiaofan is still a virgin.

He is a little bit of a man.

With this one, it's just like a goblin.

Even if it is, Zhang Xiaofan can be as sober as possible intellectually.

But the physical desire to move, but can no longer restrain.

Unconsciously, he untied two buttons on his shirt.

Embarrassed smile, way.

"Miss Shao, this is the menu."

"Do you have anything else to order?"

See Zhang Xiaofan to change the topic.

Shao Mingzhu obviously felt a little discouraged and a little emotional.

But when she saw the bottom of these hotpots.

As well as some hot pot side dishes, they were all served at 778.

Suddenly, Shao Mingzhu reached out and called the waiter nearby.

"Waiter, give me two bottles of Wuliangye of 52 degrees!

Under Zhang Xiaofan's slightly surprised gaze, Shao Mingzhu's tone is flat, and the way.

"I'll go, won't I?"

"Two bottles of Wuliangye, and the height of 52 degrees?"

"You don't know. Did you drink Wuliangye as a farmer's spring?"

Zhang Xiaofan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, some uncertain said.

"Please, don't look at me like that, OK?"

"Besides, I didn't drink these two bottles of Wuliangye alone."

"Are you still there?"

Shao Mingzhu does not have good temper white Zhang Xiaofan one eye, coquettish, way.

"But I can't drink enough."

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulder blades, helpless, and said.

"Cluck, cluck...

" if you can't drink enough, I'm afraid you can't drink well! "

Shao Mingzhu in the heart, proud of a snicker.

Then there is a positive face.

Cross your hands on the table with your chin on the back of your hand.

The body is slightly tilted forward, exhale like blue to smile, way.

"A man, a man!"

"You can say anything, but you can't say no!"

Zhang Xiaofan smell speech a Zheng, and then carefully pondered under Shao Mingzhu's words.

You don't have to say, what she said is really reasonable.

Men can say anything.

But only the word "no" can't be said.

Moreover, this is still in front of Shao Mingzhu, such a sexy monster.

Even more can not say "no"!

"All right, but we're just having a potluck for the two of us."

"There is no other outsider on the scene. I need to see one bottle."

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan thought a little in his heart before he continued.

"That's OK. Let's order everything first."

"If you can't finish drinking anyway, you can return it?"

Shao Mingzhu covered her mouth and giggled twice.

Smell speech, Zhang Xiaofan speechless rolled a white eye.

In the heart secretly way: "anyway, you are a mediocre generation are not afraid." , the fastest update of the webnovel!