"I'm afraid of wool, sir."

"When the time comes, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water and the earth will cover it!"

"Anyway, it's not me who suffers from the loss."

However, Zhang Xiaofan would not dream of it.

This sexy creature sitting in front of him.

For her now...

now the goblin is thinking about how to intoxicate him later.

And then we will take him down, and finally we will go to Wushan together...

that's it. It didn't take long.

The waiter is the height of two bottles of 52 degrees Wuliangye to take up.

It's like Wuliangye of 52 degrees.

Don't say it's a southerner like Zhang Xiaofan.

Even if it's the Northeast strong man in the three provinces of the East with amazing liquor capacity.

It's estimated that it's three catties.

I'm afraid we can't tell the difference between East, West, North and south?

However, in Zhang Xiaofan's heart is full of murmurs.

See, Shao Mingzhu this time.

Open the seal of a bottle of liquor with ease.

Then, he poured a full glass into the glass in front of him.

You know, from the size of this glass.

From the capacity point of view, this cup is nearly half a kilogram!

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned.

"I said," Miss Shao, you are Wuliangye, not sprite! "

" do you really drink this as a drink? "

Shao Mingzhu did not answer, just charming white Zhang Xiaofan.

Then, it is under Zhang Xiaofan's shocked eyes.

He picked up the glass in front of him and raised his neck.

The wine in the cup will be directly Gudong, Gudong on the direct one drink!

"Hello, Miss Shao, please drink slowly."

"You have a congenital heart disease."

"The most taboo is this kind of stress stimulation."

See Shao Mingzhu, directly in front of this nearly half a kilogram of Wuliangye so to dry.

This can be really, see opposite Zhang Xiaofan that call a shudder!

Others do not know, he once treated Shao Mingzhu as a doctor.

How could he not know the physical condition of the goblin?

Although, last time Zhang Xiaofan did save her from the death line.

However, Shao Mingzhu suffered from congenital heart disease after all.

And this congenital heart disease.

It can be said that it is a congenital physiological defect of human body that has existed since infancy.

And like this, congenital physiological defects.

It's not just that, with Zhang Xiaofan's "ghost door 13 needles.".

If you say it can be cured.

It's like a kidney organ in a person.

They've been exhausted to a very serious degree.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan, even if it is acupuncture, how to activate the spirit.

It is also absolutely impossible to achieve this point.

Unless we can find a fresh kidney resource that matches the patient.

Otherwise, even in the face of this situation.

Zhang Xiaofan, he can only make up for it as soon as possible.

As much as possible, extend the life of the kidney.

It is absolutely impossible to create something out of nothing.

Just make a fresh organ for the patient?

If that's true.

Zhang Xiaofan is not a traditional Chinese medicine, but directly become "Nu Wa" OK.

At this time, Shao Mingzhu had already dried up a cup of white wine!

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