
After hearing that Zhou Zhonggang gave Zhang Xiaofan the title of elder brother.

Wu Zhenyuan only felt that his mind was "booming A thunderclap came out.

A real person, on the spot was thunder a burnt inside and tender outside.

On the spot is muddled!

"Ah? Ah... Ah

"Zhou... Zhou Da Shao, Zhou Da Shao Xiao... Boy, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong!"

"Boy, i... I really don't know that Zhang Xiaofan is your elder brother!"

"If so, I know Zhang Xiaofan is your elder brother."

"Even if I was Wu Zhenyuan, I would not dare to provoke him after eating the gall of a leopard with bear heart..."

at present, Wu Zhenyuan really bought a piece of frozen tofu and hit his heart to death.

In my heart, there are ten thousand pieces of tsonima racing by.

What's the matter? What's the matter!

What's more, I'm going to drive a car myself.

If you let it go, you'll get rid of Zhou Dashao's long lost cousin.

This... This is the luck of laote.

It's a bit too much!

However, what Wu Zhenyuan said at the moment was totally from his heart.

After all, if he had known Zhang Xiaofan had such a strong relationship.

Actually, he is related to the big man of Wuzhou like Zhou Zhonggang.

Even if it is, give him 100 bear heart leopard gall.

He would never dare to make a mistake to Zhang Xiaofan. He is disrespectful!

"Mom, you're a fake that can't be accomplished enough to fail!"

"Now, right now, I'll apologize to brother Zhang right now."

"I tell you, Wu Zhenyuan, if you can't satisfy my elder brother Zhang today."

"You see, I can't kill you in Wuzhou!"

At this time, Zhou Zhonggang's heart was full of anger.

"Mom sold them. Are they really special? They're all tired of eating arsenic, aren't they?"

"It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke Zhang Xiaofan, the first-class evil star!"

"Zhang Xiaofan such a big man, don't say it's you."

"Even I have to treat Zhang Xiaofan as an ancestor, who is good at smoking, wine and tea."

"How old are you?"

Zhou Zhonggang scolded secretly in the heart.

Then, he did not wait for Wu Zhenyuan to reply.

That is to say, hang up the phone directly.

Look at his appearance, I'm afraid he will be involved in the general.


at this time, after the end of the call with Zhou Zhonggang.

Wu Zhenyuan now, really even want to die heart.

But this is not the time to be dazzled.

I saw that his sharp face suddenly squeezed out a smile that was worse than crying.

Facing Zhang Xiaofan, he kept bowing and apologizing.

"Zhang... Brother Zhang, it's a boy. I don't know the spirit."

"Just now, I offended elder brother Zhang by carelessness."

"I hope your adults don't care about villains, and adults don't care about villains!"

"Ha ha, am I not hearing well?"

"Why do I seem to hear that some people say that I'm a punk?"

Zhang Xiaofan took out his ears with his little thumb, and his face was full of smiley expressions.

"And I want a bat on my head?"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words of meaning and meaning...

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