Now, Wu Zhenyuan really wants to die.

He dropped his baseball bat and held out his hands, bowing both sides of his cheek.

Directly is to smoke oneself two big mouth son!

"Master Zhang, take a look at my mouth."

"It's really a lack of fans. It's really a lack of fans."

"Elder brother Zhang, it's me who look down on others, but I don't know the spirit of the great spirit with my eyes!"

"Brother Zhang, you have a lot of them."

"For the sake of my first offence, just bypass me this time."

"I promise, I promise, that the same thing will never happen again!"

"Ha ha..."

see at this time, Wu Zhenyuan is bending his body, half bending his knees, and constantly slapping himself in the face.

Originally, at the beginning, Zhang Xiaofan felt very angry because of the other party's previous behavior.

Zhang Xiaofan was also amused by his behavior

after all, what Wu Zhenyuan had done before.

Indeed, it is a kind of impulse that everyone should be punished.

It's the scum of this society.

However, although Wu Zhenyuan's previous behavior is indeed very despotic.

But fortunately, it did not cause a series of adverse effects such as casualties.

In addition, heaven has a good life.

If it is not for the other party to really commit some heinous crimes, he must be killed.

Seriously, Zhang Xiaofan really doesn't want to kill life easily.

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a moment in his heart, so he said.

"But if you really think about it."

"It seems that you didn't really offend me."

"It's not impossible to forgive you or anything."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's tone is slightly a meal, and then the conversation turns again and again.


at this time, Hara was just because Zhang Xiaofan said yes.

Wu Zhenyuan, who can forgive himself, is relaxed.

All of a sudden, is to put a heart in his throat instantly.

He rubbed his hands and looked at Zhang Xiaofan nervously, muttering.

"But what?"

"Brother Zhang, just a word from you."

"Let me go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of fire."

"As long as you creak, I will do it without frowning!"

Zhang Xiaofan's face sank, cold voice, way.

"Just now, did you hurt a sanitation aunt? There is such a thing

Smell speech, Wu Zhenyuan facial expression is stiff.

He didn't expect that a big man like Zhang Xiaofan would care about the life and death of an sanitation worker?

Environmental sanitation workers like this should have no identity, no background, and no money.

This kind of people, as long as they don't crash to death, are short of arms and legs. Soon it's done?

However, listen to Zhang Xiaofan's tone.

It seems that he is very dissatisfied with his previous behavior!

Thinking of this, Wu Zhenyuan can't help but feel a thump. An ominous premonition suddenly filled the whole body!

"Brother Zhang, brother Zhang..."

"I... I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"What do you want to do about it? I'll do anything if you say so!"

"Oh? Do what I say

Smell speech, Zhang Xiaofan's face suddenly showed a meaningful smile, way.

"En, en, en, yes, I'll do whatever you say..."

Wu Zhenyuan's head is like that chicken pecking rice, repeatedly and repeatedly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!