Wuzhou City, on both sides of 327 national road.

At this time, it should be regarded as the main road of traffic.

Now it is a group of unknown gourd eating people.

The inner three layers are directly surrounded by the outer three layers.

At this time, there is a middle-aged woman sitting on the ground.

Holding on to the injured waist, he was pumping air-conditioning.

The old woman's brow, also because of the pain in the ribs and tightly together!

At this time, the onlookers were also talking about each other in a low voice.


"Needless to say, this must be a good thing done by a group of racing parties who are racing around here!"

"It's really irritating. There's no sense of public morality at all!"

"Well, what's the point of blaming the drag racing party here?"

"It's not that you don't know. These drag racing parties are one by one."

"At home, they are all from Wuzhou City with quite a background."

"Either the rich generation or the official second generation!"

"Powerful second generation disciples like them."

"Where can we, the ordinary people, be offended?"

"Yes, yes..."

"speaking of these dandies."

"I remember, the other day."

"It's like it's near here, not far from the main road 647."

"There are a group of second-generation boys of the drag racing party, and they directly hit and killed a passer-by!"

"At the end of the day, because these drag racing parties are rich or expensive, and have power and power."

"At the end of the day, I lost hundreds of thousands of Chinese coins, and after some cooking, there was no news."

"I heard that after that, the family members who were killed by the car also had no way to go to heaven or anywhere."

"It's not right to call every day. It's not working."

"Well, when will God open his eyes?"

"If I were such an old man, the first thing I would do was to drop the thunder and kill these dandies!"

At this time, everyone is talking about it.

At this time, there are also good people who want to help the old woman up.

Send the old woman to the nearby tertiary hospital.

However, the kind-hearted old woman who was with this group of passers-by waved and refused.

"Not in the way, not in the way..."

"I'm just some skin injuries."

"Just now, there was a kind-hearted young man."

"He not only gave me this old woman a simple treatment of trauma, but also left me 1000 yuan..."

after hearing the speech, the onlookers could not help looking at each other.

Finally, there is still a middle-aged person to come forward again, way.

"But you are so old, madam."

"It's better to go to the nearby hospital first and take a film for examination."

"It's good to rest assured, isn't it?"

"Di... Di... Di..."

originally, the middle-aged woman wanted to say something more, but she heard the sound of a flute coming from far to near.

At this time, I saw a deep red Lamborghini aventador.

They are driving towards the crowd from far to near.

"Get out of the way, everybody, get out of the way!"

"You see, the second generation of the drag racing party is back."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way..."

"these drag racing parties are arrogant and arrogant in the ordinary days...

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