At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan can even feel -

with his continuous drinking, his liver Qi has become extremely vigorous and powerful in a very short time.

This also led to his whole body of blood have rushed toward his liver position in the past, the rapid decomposition of his body's alcohol.

From ancient times to the present, all martial arts practitioners are not good at drinking.

The fundamental reason for this is that they have been practicing martial arts for decades, and their internal organs are also extremely powerful in the process of practicing martial arts.

The reason is that whether a person can drink alcohol or not depends on his own courage and liver qi.

Courage is full of boldness and boldness, and wine is often put together is a breath!

The liver Qi is enough to drink enough. The better a person's liver is, the faster he can eliminate alcohol, and the natural decomposition is faster and stronger than ordinary people.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiaofan is not only the body of the Queen Mother's 3000 year old flat peach.

Moreover, through the practice of five Qi Chaoyuan, it is extremely powerful to exercise one's internal organs.

Its liver detoxification, detoxification ability is simply powerful to incredible.

Although even Zhang Xiaofan himself is a little confused about how much alcohol he can drink and how much wine he can drink.

However, his body is constantly telling his brain:

"I can drink it, I can drink it very much, I can drink it for three days and three nights without waiting for gasping --!"

In this way, to the end, Zhang Xiaofan directly took the initiative to carry the wine bottle, and began to actively drink with those employees.

Zhang Xiaofan raised his neck directly and poured the wine from the goblet into his throat.

If the people on the side did not see the Wuliangye bottle in Zhang Xiaofan's hand, they would have doubted whether Zhang Xiaofan was drinking plain water.

It has to be said that Zhang Xiaofan's performance only made the employees of Yayue company in the revolving restaurant numb their scalp with shock -

even, they had a creepy feeling.

"Is this... Is this still a human being?"

"Yes... Yes... No one can drink so much. This is clearly the reincarnation of a wine fairy!"

"How can this man drink so much? Can't our boss do something in advance?"

However, there are also disbelieving employees to come forward to take Zhang Xiaofan's Wuliangye bottle and smell it.

At that time, he was fumigated by the strong liquor gas in the wine bottle, which was about to coagulate into substance. He covered his mouth and nose in a hurry.

Then, these people all need to look at Zhang Xiaofan with panic, horror and incredible eyes, and sigh in their hearts.

"I'll go, won't I? Is our boss a reincarnation of a wine fairy? "

"I can drink Wuliangye at a height of 10 Jin and 58 degrees. My God!"

In this way, after walking around his 58 employees again, Zhang Xiaofan drank almost three jin of liquor in a blink of an eye.

What's more, at this time, not only was he not drunk at all, but his eyes were brighter and his spirit was better.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan felt that his pores were opened all over his body...

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