At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's liver in a strange, visible speed crazy start in vitro non-stop detoxification of alcohol!

Zhang Xiaofan's scene even numbed the shocked scalp of 58 people in the revolving restaurant, and even felt a sense of fear.

At the same time, all of them have made up their minds. In the future, we should never ask Zhang Xiaofan, a "pervert" or "wine Fairy", to have a drink together...


in this way, the whole celebration banquet lasted about an hour and a half.

Zhang Xiaofan took a bottle in his hand and turned around to have a look. He found that the staff who had tasted wine with him had already held the bottle one by one, and all of them were lying on the ground.

"Gudong... Gudong... Gudong..."

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly felt very boring. He directly killed most of the remaining bottle of liquor in his hand, smashed it, smashed his mouth, and grinned happily.

"Wheel war, it doesn't exist?"

You want to get me drunk with this? I don't know. A while ago, I was a man who couldn't even pour the wine of the Western Han Dynasty!


the next day, the next day!

Yayue's flagship product, eight petals snow lotus water, has finally begun to sell to the outside world!

Yayue company is located in Beiping, Shencheng, Pengcheng, Yangcheng and Wuzhou. It has opened its business since 5:30 a.m.

The door just opened.

, as like as two peas in the five first tier cities in China, almost all of them are exactly alike.

In the morning, under the illumination of street lamps on both sides of the morning, there is a long dragon of people -

this dragon extends directly from the position of the store door to the end of the line of sight. There is no way to see how many people are waiting in line for the eight petals of snow lotus water.

You know, this is not the time of summer or early autumn in the past. Now it is the end of December, and it will be the beginning of January soon!

Winter has already arrived in Wuzhou at this time, although it is not as cold as that in the north.

But really to say, compared with the northern winter, the southern winter has more lethality than the northern winter!

Moreover, Wuzhou has a short day time and a long night time.

Although, it is now 5:30 in the morning, but it is still a piece of black paint outside.

In addition, with the blessing of the cold winter weather in Wuzhou, people who can still stand outside the shop and remain unmoved by the cold wind.

There is no doubt that they are all real warriors!

These people... These people are too crazy, too incredible?!

You know, most of the people in the long queue outside the store have been guarding the front of the store since 12:00 in the morning.

As for those who can't see the line-up, I believe they will be in line at about three or four o'clock in the morning!

It's just... It's almost time for the Spring Festival train ticket purchase, OK? How a mountain and a sea of people, how a surging tide!

It seems that the allure of the eight petals of snow lotus water can really make people forget the cold, time and everything...

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