However, Zhang Xiaofan did not choose to fight Wu Zhengping's "Diezhong" in a positive and powerful way as before!

After all, God has the virtue of good life. We all come out to mix up, and the difference in position is no more than a matter of choice.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan can only give them a little punishment and a great admonition for warning.

However, if you dare to deal with the family, brothers, lovers and other fetters around Zhang Xiaofan...

then, Zhang Xiaofan has no reason to "forgive" such people who dare to touch his bottom line.

Just like that just now, we should discard it directly by the most direct and decisive means, and make an example to others!

"Ha ha... Mr. Ke, you are really very powerful."

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan, with a sneer on his face, walked slowly towards Ke Jiasheng step by step.

Although Zhang Xiaofan's pace is very slow, every foot landing is like a kind of "unspeakable" deterrent force, which is like drumbeating on Ke Jiasheng's heart.

This also made Ke Jia Sheng Yi feel the cold air "Shua --!" along the floor of his feet The whole body was covered with all kinds of bones.

Ke Jiasheng's face suddenly changed. He was a little frightened. He screamed loudly,

"what do you want to do? I asked you what you want to do? "

"Now it's a society ruled by law. Killing... Killing... Killing is against the law. I warn you that killing is against the law."

This fear of Ke Jiasheng did not stop Zhang Xiaofan's steps.

On the contrary, it made his face more and more sarcastic.

Seeing his own threat, the warning has no effect on Zhang Xiaofan.

Ke Jiasheng can't help but place his hope on the security guards of Fengxiang jewelry company who were bought in advance in those meeting rooms.

He shrieked his voice, and his voice changed a little because of fear.

"What are you... You punks doing

"I have spent so much money. I don't want you to put it like a club!"

"Damn it, what are you doing? Don't hurry up, hurry up!"

"Rubbish... Son of a bitch!"

"No, you are blind

However, at this moment, no matter how much Ke Jiasheng yelled at these security guards, in such insults and all kinds of foul language, these small security guards did not dare to step forward and turn a deaf ear to the sarcastic explanation.

As the saying goes,

just now, Zhang Xiaofan used such violent and cruel methods to kill the guy who tried to hurt Tang Yan, who was close to Zhang Xiaofan.

Who dares to pretend to be a warrior at this time?

If you don't become a warrior, you will die before you get out of school and become a "martyr". Isn't that tragic and ridiculous?!

After all, although money is a good thing, you should have life to take it and spend it, isn't it?

If you even lose your own life, can the money still be burned to you so that you can spend it in hell?!

"You still have you, that's right, it's the two of you. Come here quickly. Do you hear me...

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