At this time, Zhang Xiaofan raised his hand and directly pointed to the two small security guards not far away -

at the two small guards pointed by Zhang Xiaofan, they also gave a cold shiver uncontrollably at this time.

Although, both of them were afraid.

However, in the face of the order given by Zhang Xiaofan.

However, he did not dare to have half of the idea of resistance, and directly came to him in front of him, waiting for Zhang Xiaofan's next command and dispatch.

"You two, come and get that guy out of the chair for me!"

Zhang Xiaofan's big hand pointed directly at Ke Jiasheng's nose and said.

Seeing this, these two small security guards' eyes are also flashing a flickering color.

However, at the thought of Zhang Xiaofan's ruthless measures, they did not dare to hesitate. One by one, they rushed up and pulled Ke Jiasheng out of his chair like a dead dog.

After all, the fate of Wu Zhengping's dogleg is still fresh in my mind. Do they still have a choice with this lesson in mind?!

"You... You sons of bitches, white eyed wolves --!"

"You... You guys are going to die of anger... I'm so angry..."

seeing these two security guards who directly defected in front of themselves, Ke Jiasheng was so angry that he broke out in a rage.

Several other directors of the Ke Jiasheng faction also wanted to change at this time.

But Zhang Xiaofan's eyes are like a knife to sweep towards them, directly eliminate the small 99 in the hearts of these directors.

One by one, like the quail shivering, dare not even fart one more...

"Mr. Ke, you can scold and make noise now!"

"But I'd like to advise you that you'd better do what I say honestly."

"Otherwise, I don't mind leaving you some deep brand that you will never forget in your life!"

Zhang Xiaofan both hands copy pocket, leisurely walk to Ke Jiasheng in front of, meaningful, road.

Hearing the speech, Ke Jiasheng's eyes were red and his face was ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said, "little red man... Laozi is the chairman and chairman of xiangtian group!"

"In addition, I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm still a core member of Zhejiang Merchants Association."

"Little red man, maybe it won't be good if you scrap a little security guard."

"But if you dare to touch the hair of Laozi, other Zhejiang merchants will not let you go!"

"Won't you let me go? Hehe... "

seeing that Ke Jiasheng was in danger, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help being teased by the other party's obsession. He didn't say anything more, just waved and said;

" come on, our Mr. Ke is still a little confused now, please give me to sober him up... "

after getting Zhang Xiaofan's order, several other people At this time, the security guards also pulled out the high-voltage electric stick from their waists and pressed the switch directly.

At the moment, "crackling..." makes people feel the electric current of scalp numbness suddenly resound in this conference room...

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