Then, there is another old man who can be his grandfather in a rare age, who is not in a good word and wants to do a great gift with himself?!

"Emmmm... Improper people... Extremely wrong people..." br >

If I really want suyunhai to give this gift down, then it is not a disguised "life-saving" with yourself!

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan saw that this Su Yunhai is Wang Ba eating a weight, iron heart, helpless can only release cruel words, road.

"Suyunhai, I don't say the same thing twice!"

"If you want to give me a knock today, believe it or not you will never see me in your life!"

"Ah? Ah... Ah! "

"Well, then... All depends on your arrangement..." br >

I saw Zhang Xiaofan give such a decision to say, so there is no room for turning.

Although Su Yunhai still has some heart is unwilling at this time, but he still slightly pondered in his heart, then he mumbled this will be his long prepared to speak out, said.

"However, if you have something to ask for, I hope you will promise Yunhai..." br >

zhangxiaofan; "emmmmm... I want to go back to the countryside and the rural road is more complicated..." br >

after seeing the words from suyunhai, Zhang Xiaofan should turn a big white eye even though he has no choice.

After a long time, the old man had a previous appeal. He would throw him away with the money if he flattered himself.

He was called "master and uncle" one by one. After a long time, he was asked to wear a high hat for him first...

suyunhai, your old man still stands up and talks. I am quite uncomfortable if you bow to your waist... "Br >

although he knows that this old man is a routine to play with himself, Zhang Zhang What can Xiao Fan do, he himself is also very desperate, OK?

At present, I can not only say anything dissatisfied to the old man, but rather, I should take the initiative to help them from the ground.

After realizing Zhang Xiaofan's such action, suyunhai was also excited and tears, like drowning people holding the last straw to see Zhang Xiaofan.

Then, this trembling in Zhang Xiaofan's help sat on the side of the Taishi chair.

Zhang Xiaofan again looked at suyunhai, rubbing his chin up and down to look at the old man, some helpless, way.

"I said that suyunhai, you gave me a great gift and also called my master and uncle. I should not have any stubborn diseases on my body, should I take care of it?"

"No... No, no, you misunderstood my uncle..." br >

my family knows his own family affairs. Although my body is a bit stubborn, I don't need your elder brother to take the hand of your old man. "

"Moreover, I am all old diseases. I will adjust myself. I don't need to bother your elder martial uncle to help you..." br >

after seeing Su Yunhai saying this, Zhang Xiaofan's face has become more and more confused.

As a successor to Ge Hong's lifelong medical treatment, Zhang Xiaofan has been familiar with the four diagnosis methods of traditional Chinese medicine, such as hope, smell, question and cut... All of these things have been familiar with his heart and can not be more skilled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!