Therefore, from the time he saw Su Yunhai for the first time, Zhang Xiaofan was able to see at a glance that Su Yunhai had some stubborn diseases.

And these, stubborn disease put in Su Yunhai, who is over the age of the old, that is also in the normal thing.

Are some hypertension, coronary heart disease, viscera and organs have varying degrees of failure phenomenon.

What's more, I saw myself playing such a deep routine with my brother-in-law Zhao Jianfei outside the intensive care unit of ICU.

It is also the great ceremony of three obeisances and nine kowtows to oneself, and a "master's uncle" calls to and from without money.

However, at present, it seems that things are not what Zhang Xiaofan imagined at the beginning.

It seems that Su Yunhai is not looking for himself this time, but for other needs...

"tell me, what are you asking me for?"

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan is straight to the point.

"The matter is like this. I came to ask you for my granddaughter this time..."

when he said this, Su Yunhai also sighed deeply, and then slowly told the story.

"My granddaughter is a little older than my granddaughter

When I was twenty-eight years old, I was afraid that when I was twenty-eight years old, I was deeply moved by tears.

"Oh? How do you say that? "

After seeing this Su Yunhai said so, Zhang Xiaofan eyebrow is also a face showing a curious color, questioning, way.

You know, 26 years old can be said to be a woman's most brilliant, the most beautiful young age.

However, it is such a woman who should have been in the most beautiful youth age, but she has been asserted that she has less than two years' life span and can't live to be 28 years old?!

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's doubts, Su Yunhai sighed deeply and said.

"My granddaughter's strange disease is really too sudden. She also visited many famous doctors at home and abroad, especially those famous hospitals in the world."

"But even so, I can't find out why my granddaughter is suffering from this disease for a while."

"Basically, every day, the vitality of my granddaughter will be weakened, as if it is swallowed up by something invisible or untouchable."

"We, the Su family, tried everything we could think of, but we couldn't get back the step of death approaching Wan Qing. Ah...

" wait... You say... Her name is wan Qing? "

In the process of Su Yunhai's narration, Zhang Xiaofan is keen to capture a key word in his words from the other party's speech, and then associate it with Su Yunhai's surname.

Su... Su Wanqing?!

Isn't it the beautiful doctor I met in ICU ICU just now?

I'll go, won't it be so coincidental?!

After reading about this, Zhang Xiaofan also couldn't help taking a puff from the corner of his mouth. For a moment, he was surprised...

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