It's no wonder that the female doctor was so surprised when she saw Su Yunhai in ICU intensive care unit. After a long time, she saw her grandfather...

at the same time, Zhang Xiaofan never thought that the world could be so small.

Originally, today, the beautiful doctor who wanted to grab a taxi with himself...

unexpectedly, he became his own patient in a twinkling of an eye?!

What's this? Nature doesn't want to play with people like this?!

"Uncle, please have a look, this is my granddaughter..."

just when Zhang Xiaofan's heart was in a mess -

he saw that Su Yunhai took a photo frame from the bookshelf.

However, this time the photo is not a black-and-white photo, but a color photo.

In this photo, there is a beautiful young, charming and moving woman with a beautiful smile, which is really eye-catching.

It's really hard to imagine this gorgeous girl with a bright smile.

such a woman in her prime years has only a short life span of less than a few years...

at the same time, Zhang Xiaofan was able to conclude that the woman in the photo was the same as himself before A woman in a taxi.

And in the ICU intensive care unit before, because of Zhao Jianfei's treatment plan and her quarrel with beautiful doctor Su Wanqing.

At that time, when meeting, Zhang Xiaofan was vaguely aware that the woman doctor looked a little bad.

However, at that time, because he was all concerned about the safety of his brother-in-law Zhao Jianfei, he did not look at each other carefully.

I didn't expect that he was suffering from an incurable disease, only a few years of Yang shou...

although Zhang Xiaofan knew it in his heart, he didn't choose to break it directly at this time. He just rubbed his chin and thought about it in his heart and said:

"since your Su family and my ghost gate have a long history of thirteen needles, you can be regarded as one of your own."

Hearing this, Su Yunhai's eyes lit up, his face was excited, and he said:

"according to your meaning, sir, have you agreed to see my granddaughter Wanqing?"

"Yes, but if you can completely cure your granddaughter's strange disease, now I can't give you a guarantee. I need to see the patient in person to talk about it..."

at this time, Zhang Xiaofan didn't directly take charge of everything.

Although, his own medical skills, so big Huaxia can be compared with his Zhang Xiaofan, but the skill of two palms.

But after all, Su Wanqing's illness did not even look at it.

And she and Su Wanqing just met each other before coming to the hospital. Zhang Xiaofan needs to see her in person to make a final decision.

"Uncle Shi, you... Your old man is just a great benefactor of our Su family ---!!"

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan promise to seek medical advice for his granddaughter, Su Yunhai is also excited and shivering all over. He is preparing to kneel down again and perform three obeisances and nine kowtows.

But at this time, when I saw Zhang Xiaofan, the two sword eyebrows directly twisted into a pimple , the fastest update of the webnovel!