See, that sharp sword, overbearing Dao Gang directly will Zhang Xiaofan and Luo Yurou two people to death in the middle, let him is difficult to escape!

Under the terrible attack of the sword, Dao Gang, just like a violent storm.

even if it is the ordinary internal alchemy, Zun, in the face of such a terrible attack, I'm afraid that under such a fierce and fierce sword Gang, I'm afraid that under the fierce and ferocious sword power, the sword gang will be broken into pieces and die on the spot.

It has to be said that the two old men of strategic and strategic positions made their moves at the same time. Their power and momentum were more than several times, which was enough to make those nobles in the inner alchemy panic when they saw it and fled.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's facial expression at this time is as indifferent as before. Luo Yurou is hiding behind Zhang Xiaofan at this time.

Although she was surrounded by strong winds and hunting, she still felt at ease and had no sense of crisis or fear.

As long as there is Zhang Xiaofan around him, even if it is the collapse of the earth, the storm, she will choose to accompany him without hesitation.

At the moment when the sword posture and the strategic array formed by Dao Gang contracted, Zhang Xiaofan had already stretched out his right hand, and his index finger was slightly bent to make a bullet shape.

"It's no matter how hard you two fight together, but it's a pity that the person you meet is Zhang Xiaofan!"

Zhang Xiaofan's tone was calm and indifferent. However, the two old men of strategic and strategic groups turned a deaf ear to what he said.

As long as they are covered in the middle by the big net composed of their sword gang and sword power, even if they are fierce generals who are "invincible to thousands of people", they will also drink hatred to the scene!

In particular, as a mother compatriot, such as the two elder brothers of the same mind, the twin brothers, really have me in you, you have you in me, and you are in all directions!

This is the way to maneuver!

If you look at the whole of China, you can still be safe and sound under the blockade of the sword gang and the sword power. It's just a palm of a hand that can make the wind light and cloud light.

And these people, one by one, are the top ten terrorist beings in the golden list of the Chinese Xiuzhen world.

Therefore, in the eyes of the two old men, Zhang Xiaofan is just a young man of weak crown age. Even if he has the ability to communicate with heaven, he can never cope with such terrible sword power and attack by Dao Gang!

Zhang Xiaofan slowly raised his right hand and slightly rotated forward.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two old men of strategic and strategic positions were frozen at this moment.

Because, they can clearly feel that, with the change of Zhang Xiaofan's hand movements, their original large array of sword Qi and Dao Gang intertwined suddenly stopped at this moment.

And the direction that Zhang Xiaofan grasped with his right hand was the center of the eye of the great array.

Seeing this behind the scenes, they were stunned, and their hearts were filled with unspeakable fear and fear.

As you know, this great array formed by Dao gang and Jian Qi is the most dominating place of sword Qi and Dao gang.

Don't say it's a catch. Even if you touch it a little bit, you will still be broken to pieces by the great array of strategic forces, even if you are a King Kong iron bone!

However, Zhang Xiaofan can easily hold the eye of the big maneuvering array between applause just with one hand.

As for this scene, let alone whether or not he has seen it before, he has not even heard of it , the fastest update of the webnovel!