What's more, it is worth mentioning that the whole formation is composed of sword Qi and Dao gang.

With the naked eye of ordinary people, we can't see the specific location of the great strategic formation.

In other words, it's like a big invisible net that's coming from all over the world towards the goal.

And the target is like a tiger in a cage, a dragon in a shoal.

Even if he has the ability to connect with the heaven, as long as he is trapped by this invisible and motionless array, even if he has three heads and six arms, it is difficult to escape.

However, ordinary people can't even see this great strategic formation anywhere.

Then, what means did Zhang Xiaofan know the key point of this great formation?

At the moment, the eyes of the two old men of strategic group fell on Zhang Xiaofan again, only different from the previous scorn and disdain. What remained in their eyes were only deep fear and fear.

"Ha ha..."

when Zhang Xiaofan grinned, he reached out his arm, and his five fingers on his right hand were in the shape of Eagle claws, and then he pulled hard into the air.

"Cacha --!"

Just listen, a crisp sound in this empty, silent hall suddenly sounded.

I saw that there seemed to be something invisible in the middle of the air. Suddenly, this moment burst out and made a clear sound.

The next moment, I saw that the hall was shaking, and there was no place in the hall that was in good condition.

It's like a typhoon passing through the country. It's a mess all around, and nothing is in good condition.

Even when they fought with NABA emperor and Qin Zongheng before, they also trapped Qin Zongheng for a period of time with the formation of Dao gang and sword Qi.

As a result, they were able to divide the two sides of the Qin Dynasty in the battle against Qin twenty-one years ago.

However, looking at the young man in front of him, judging from his face, it is just full of weak crown age.

But it is such a young man who has just reached the age of weak crown that he can tear this "great array of strategic positions" with his bare hands.

What's more, judging from his appearance, it's obvious that the lion is fighting the rabbit without exerting all his strength!

who is this person?

Is it difficult for him to be stronger than the overlord and Qin Zongheng?!!

Even stronger than the overlord Qin Zongheng?!

At the moment, an idea flashed in the mind of the two old men, like thunder.

An ominous premonition, like the tide, quickly submerged the four limbs and hundreds of bones of the two old men.

A cold air ran straight up their soles and rushed to their heavenly cover, making them shiver and frightened.

At the moment, the two old men of both sides had the same mind, and they almost flew back at the same time, and no longer had the heart to compete with Zhang Xiaofan for supremacy.

However, although the two of them retreated rapidly, compared with Zhang Xiaofan's speed, they were just like children learning to walk. There was no comparison at all.

At the moment, both of them felt that there was a strong wind in front of them, which was fleeting.

When they fell back to the ground again, Zhang Xiaofan stood in the same position as before, and his steps had not moved any more www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!