I saw, with the fall of Zhang Xiaofan's words, the talisman held by the middle finger and index finger in his hand also burned out of thin air at this time.

At the same time, his body size, which was 185 cm, began to expand a little bit at this time.

From a distance, the whole person looks like a dryland plucking onion, growing to a full two meters of body, like an Oriental giant!

And all over his body, there is a very strange purple gold. The blood vessels all over his body are like long purple and gold snakes twisting and circling on his body, which gives people a creepy feeling at a glance.

However, in Zhang Xiaofan's originally black and white eyes, it is full of shocking golden light.

Looking from afar, his whole person is just like the purple and gold God of war in heaven. His mighty spirit is soaring into the sky and is unstoppable!

The next moment, after the tyrannical insect, she originally wanted to continue to advance the offensive is also hard to stop.

It was staring at Zhang Xiaofan, who was just like the God of heaven. Suddenly, a powerful and terrifying momentum pervaded the sky, making the whole body shiver and tremble after the tyrant.

Since the birth of the tyrannical insect, it has never felt so terrible, so powerful and harmful!

In the face of the stormy weather, there was no trace of resistance after the tyrannical insect.

As if, in front of this purple and gold God of war, any struggle and any resistance are just futile and useless.

See, a purple gold light shining in the sky, dazzling.

Covered with purple and gold light, Zhang Xiaofan steps forward slowly. In his hands, he is Baipi Dao and Wulei peach wood sword, and is constantly blooming with dazzling purple gold light. His back is like a Shangfang sword hidden in his back, which is like a Shangfang sword, soaring into the sky!

As Zhang Xiaofan takes a step forward, a purple and golden fire lotus will bloom under his feet, which contains endless and unique power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

"Dirty Zerg invaders, kill me!"

A word fell, and the voice seemed to come from the secluded nine days, and virtually sentenced the life and death of the strange insects in the small manor of Qipanshan.

Zhang Xiaofan waved the five thunder peach wood sword with purple and gold flame in his hand, and a purple and gold flame shock wave that was visible to the naked eye burst out from the tip of the sword.

Where the purple gold flame went, no grass was born. All the zege people explained that they had been burned away by the purple gold flame, and their bones were all gone!

Even then, after the tyrannical insect, which is so terrible, it is also the time when there is no achievement under the burning of the purple and golden flame, which burns all things in the world. In a flash, it turns into a wisp of fly ash and disappears.

"I'll go. Is that too powerful?"

"No, it's my heavenly tree."

Zhang Xiaofan is still immersed in the state that Peng Zhen Jun is attached to his body on this day. He can't extricate himself from the extreme state of God blocking and killing Buddha.

But soon, he had an exciting reaction.

It turns out that the attack that he had just waved before was too strong and too overbearing. He not only wiped out the jumpers of zege nationality in a hundred Li radius.

At the same time, the attack aftereffect of the golden flame is...

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