I saw that the purple and golden flame also began to spread towards the jiuxiao cloud Leixian fruit tree in the small manor.

In this short moment, is also an instant let Zhang Xiaofan's heart directly mentioned to the throat, how a nervous, uneasy.

However, Zhang Xiaofan has just been nervous for a while.

Then, he noticed that the purple and golden flame Yubo did not cause any damage to jiuxiao yunleixian fruit tree, but made its leaves shake slightly.

After seeing the situation, Zhang Xiaofan put down a hanging heart again.

"My God, I almost didn't scare my heart into shock just now"

Zhang Xiaofan patted himself on the chest with palpitation, a little scared and said.

In all this to finish, Zhang Xiaofan all over the body that purple gold bright light also at this time with the naked eye visible speed of rapid dissipation.

In the end, Zhang Xiaofan's body, which is two meters high, is also in this purple gold light dissipation at the same time, little by little, and finally back to the original.

"I really can't see that these two elder martial brothers seem to have no brains on weekdays."

"But when he really asked God to go to the body, he knew that marshal Peng was not a dry cook on that day. He really had two brushes."

Zhang Xiaofan slowly spits out a mouthful of turbid gas from the chest, can't help shaking his head and sighing.

But then, when the state of inviting God was dispersed, Zhang Xiaofan could clearly feel the soreness and weakness all over his body and spread out among all his limbs.

This kind of feeling, really has one kind of body to be hollowed out the feeling.

However, all these are the sequelae after asking God to go up, Zhang Xiaofan also did not put it in mind, a good rest on a period of time can easily solve.

After solving the problems of the Zerg jumpers and tyrannical insects that had besieged the small manor, he looked around again.

Zhang Xiaofan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's really frustrating. I didn't expect that after such a long time, there was still such a thrilling and exciting project waiting for me when I came back to the small manor again."

"Ah... My God tree of the heavenly world, which has suffered a lot, has never experienced a quiet day with me."

After murmuring in his heart, Zhang Xiaofan began to clean up the battlefield.

Among them, Zhang Xiaofan also spent 1000 points of merit and virtue. He bought 10 more talisman warriors from the treasure house to clean up the battlefield with himself and clean up the corpses of the zege jumpers who had been killed before.

By the way, we have obtained some valuable Zerg xenocrysts from the xenozoan corpses.

However, these talismans themselves are not so powerful as to watch the gate in the sky.

If there is anything remarkable about them, it is only their great strength and quick hands and feet, which saves time and mind.

Of course, you get the price, you get the goods.

Although the battle effectiveness of this group of Tianting strongmen is not so strong, they can't stand it. The price is cheap. It's only 100 merit points. It's the price of cabbage!

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan made a simple statistics of the losses and gains after the war with zege alien insects.

Among them, after experiencing the World War II...

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