Zhang Xiaofan's talisman, axe, and shield were only five.

Among them, there was a talisman who was seriously injured. Even if he spent merit points to repair it, it would be difficult to recover the original combat effectiveness.

Compared with the talisman swordsman, the number of talisman archers is a little more, but only seven.

There are only three of them, and only two are left after losing one.

However, because of its powerful fire attribute attack ability, Jiuli flame totem is protected in the center by a number of talismans and dark swordsmen.

As a result, there was no substantial damage to the nine Li flame totem from the beginning to the end.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan planted in the small manor jiuxiaoyun Leixian fruit tree was destroyed by Jiuli flame totem attack afterwave, and two trees were destroyed by zege jumpers.

Zhang Xiaofan made a simple inventory and found that there were almost 21 jiuxiao yunleixian fruit trees left in the small manor.

Although the loss is not large, but because jiuxiao cloud Lei Xianguo tree is the product of Penglai fairyland in the heaven, it is a common world, and there is no rare goods at all.

It can be said that if no one is lost in the small manor, it will be lost, and there is no opportunity for follow-up supplement.

Unless LAN Caihe, one of the Eight Immortals in Taoism, is willing to give more to himself.

"Emmmmmmm... Not a person, not a person..."

"after all the fruits of jiuxiao cloud thunder fairy have been harvested, I will leave and move the heaven God tree in the small manor again."

"Save the next time, suffer such a disaster!

Zhang Xiaofan bit his teeth. If he has the conditions in the future, he must establish an unbreakable defense fortress in the chessboard mountain.

In this military fortress, there is no need to do anything else but plant these sacred trees in peace of mind.

We will recruit more weapons from the nine palaces of fire, and then we will prepare for more weapons of mass destruction.

When the time comes, zege's foreign insects dare to invade and kill as many as they can, without mercy!

After that, the 10 talismans cleaned up the bodies of Zerg jumpers and the battlefield.

Zhang Xiaofan has piled up a hill with thousands of alien crystal nuclei, and is preparing to put it into the treasure house.

"I'll go, won't I?"

"It's really big enough

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes burst out a fine awn, and his sight was the first time that he was firmly locked in the alien crystal nucleus which was the size of an ostrich egg and was dark red in color.

I can see that the whole body of this strange insect crystal nucleus emits a strange light, not to mention, the whole is also crystal clear, gorgeous.

If you don't want to be different from other people, it's hard to be different from other people!

"Is this the alien nucleus of the zege tyrant?"

Zhang Xiaofan can feel a heavy feeling in his hand.

In particular, when Zhang Xiaofan used his true Qi to diffuse all over the body of the alien crystal nucleus and felt it quietly for a while www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!