"Yes, Lord!"

The old man in black bowed down to leave. His heart was shocked and excited, and it was hard to calm down!

After all, the hall of nine demons will rise again among the outer doors....


"Xiao Fan, you can taste the boiled beef, and the taste is very good!"

In a postgraduate canteen at Peking University, Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Yinger sit opposite each other. Zhao Yinger picks up a piece of beef with chopsticks and delivers it to Zhang Xiaofan's mouth.


Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan is not polite. He eats it. Seeing other kinds of male animals in the canteen, they are jealous. I really want to replace Zhang Xiaofan immediately. The man who is fed by Zhao Yinger is himself.

However, the hearts of these guys are aggrieved, but no one dares to come here at will.

After all, since Song Changhai was taught that he couldn't get out of bed, there are very few people who want to find Zhang Xiaofan in Beiping University!

However, at a time when everyone in the canteen has different ideas, only Zhang Xiaofan is the only one in Zhao Yinger's beautiful eyes!

She looked at Zhang Xiaofan that pair of wolfing after eating, can't help but cover up and laugh, her favorite is Zhang Xiaofan in front of himself without any scruples, without any cover up to show his original appearance, which is also her most familiar appearance.

At the same time, it will make Zhao Ying'er feel that Zhang Xiaofan is just like the time when he was studying in Wuzhou university more than two years ago. He is not Zhang Wutian who stirs up the storm in the world's spiritual cultivation world, nor is he the godless devil who frightens countless practitioners!

"Oh, by the way, Yingbao..."

halfway through the meal, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly raised his hand and gently stroked Zhao Yinger's face, which had a wonderful hand feeling, and asked with a smile.

"Yingbao, I don't know what your parents think about the previous marriage between you and me?"

After hearing that Zhang Xiaofan, in front of so many people present, said that they were only called as shameful as they were in private, Zhao Yinger's small face turned red, but she still pretended to be calm and replied.

"Last night, my mother called me back, and she... She asked me to..."

"Oh? What does Auntie want you to do... "

looking at Zhao Yinger's appearance of wanting to say but not easy to say, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help asking curiously.

At this point, Zhao Yinger's beautiful eyes are like water, and the bashfulness of her pretty face is getting stronger.

"She... She said..."

just like this, she mumbled for a long time, but Zhao Yinger didn't say anything about it for a long time.

"I said, Auntie's account of you is so hard to say?"

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Suddenly, he put his hand directly into the itchy flesh of Zhao Yinger's waist and scratched it gently.

, don't giggle when you're not tickling.

In this way, after they had a laugh, Zhang Xiaofan just chose to let Zhao Ying'er go. The corners of his mouth rose and outlined a bad smile.

"Do you want to say that?"

"If you don't say that, I will continue to serve the family law..."

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