"All right. All right. I really can't help you. Can't I say it's not enough?"

Zhao Yinger looked around and saw that everyone in the canteen was stunned and shocked. After waiting, she felt that her face was burning with shame.

She murmured, "my mother said that you are not one of the strongest sons-in-law in the world. I should hold your hand firmly and never let go..."

after finishing this sentence, Zhao Yinger turned away shyly.

As a matter of fact, what Zhao Yinger said just now is very implicit, OK?

At least, what Huang Yiqing said to Zhao Yinger last night was really more explicit and more direct, OK?!

"Yinger, such a strange man as Zhang Xiaofan, you must firmly grasp it in the palm of your hand."

"Not only let his heart be with you, but also his body, you know?"

"What's more, if you two do something that the children can't control after meeting, your father and I will not only not oppose it, but also approve with both hands!"

"If you can, you'd better have a baby with Zhang Xiaofan as soon as possible. In this way, you can rest assured that our parents are also in a bad mood..."

last night, the words of her mother Huang Yiqing are still echoing in Zhao Yinger's ears. She knows that her father and mother are all holding the idea of "interests first" of businessmen, In looking at a lot of problems and things, "utilitarianism" is very important!

But what Zhao Yinger never thought of was that her mother would choose to use such a direct way to further deepen the feelings and fetters between herself and Zhang Xiaofan.

Isn't it...

isn't it about making yourself a chip and then tempting Zhang Xiaofan? Is it a card to tie Zhang Xiaofan with the baby between them...

from Zhao Yinger's point of view, it is totally incomprehensible and even more disagreeable from Zhao Yinger's point of view...

in Zhao Yinger's heart, Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulder blades and said that he didn't care.

"I didn't see it. My aunt's vision is really in place."

"It's true that such a good Chinese son-in-law is so powerful and has so many noodles. Even if your parents are carrying lanterns, they may not be able to find them?"

"So, Yingbao, you really have to hold on to me, so as not to regret in the future..."

at this point, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to suddenly think of something, and then he turned his words.

"Oh, by the way, Yingbao, I forgot to tell you something!"

"At noon today, when I was walking in the pedestrian street, I met a female hooligan who came up to me and didn't say anything, and then threatened to tie me back..."

"what? Female hooligan

After hearing this, Zhao Yinger couldn't help teasing and teasing.

"Xiao Fan, you always tell me, have you gone to some place to have sex with others?"

With that, Zhao Ying'er was angry and white. Zhang Xiaofan took a look, his mouth pouted slightly, and her pretty face was full of unwilling colors.

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