"Your patriarch Mu Zhenping, I did have a meeting with him."

"It's just that he can't come back now because I've killed him!"

Zhang Xiaofan whispered softly. The three feet green peak in his hand also moved and stabbed at the throat of the elder Ming.

"What do you say?"

After Meng Buding heard this from Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, the elder of Ming Dynasty could not help but be embarrassed. It's unbelievable that Mu Zhenping, the patriarch of the mu hunzong, died in this young man's hands?!

However, he did not have any spare time to sigh. Zhang Xiaofan's three foot green peak had already pierced his throat in an instant. Before the death of the elder Ming, he heard such a remark.

"Oh, yes

"For the sake of being a dying man, I can tell you one more thing."

"He is also dead. If I remember correctly, his name should be mu Zhenjun? I killed him too "

Ming Chang died of old age, and there was no room for him to resist. Under Zhang Xiaofan's command, he couldn't even walk through a round, so he was cut off by a sword.

The conference hall was disheartened, but the remaining Tian Huashen was also shocked to see this behind the scenes. The development of the plot before and after this was too fast for him to make any response at all.

What he never thought of was that, almost in the blink of an eye, elder Ming was killed by this young man.

Zhang Xiaofan turned around, and then his eyes fell on the sky myth.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, tianmythical knee is soft and "bang!" A sound, straight kneeling on the ground, full of pleading, way.


"please forgive me. The women who controlled Liu Qingqing were all masterminded by the elder Ming behind the scenes. His purpose was to seize Liu Qingqing and hand it over to Mu Zhenjun for cultivation."

"And I had already guessed that Mu Zhenjun and Mu Zhenping's father and son might suffer well before this, so I have no such idea at all."

"The ideas and attitudes of elder Ming and I are quite different..."

"yes, what you said is reasonable...

Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his chin and nodded clearly.

After hearing this, Tian Huashen's face also showed a smile of joy for the rest of his life. At this critical moment, only holding one's own life is the most important thing, and the rest must be kept aside.

"As long as you can use me anywhere, I, Tian Huashen, would like to be a cow and a horse for adults. I will work hard and bear no grudges. I dare not complain at all."

"But you have just provoked me!"

Before Tian Huashen could finish his words, a cold voice suddenly rang out and interrupted his later speech.

"My Lord, I..."

Tian Huashen still wants to defend himself. Zhang Xiaofan's Tiancong cloud sword will penetrate his heart in the next moment, harvesting Tian Huashen's life like stepping on an ant!

Tian Huashen is already over the age of the ancients. What's the use of Zhang Xiaofan asking him to come?!

As for what to be a cow or a horse, even if Zhang Xiaofan really needs a horse, he won't need Tian Huashen, an old and useless old trash!

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