Looking at the two cold corpses lying down in the parliament hall, Luo qiangfei was not as afraid and nervous as he had shown in the first village in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because, the two old man's corpses in front of us are not good enough compared with the whole animal husbandry soul sect, from the elder to the disciple's corpse mountain and blood sea, isn't it?!!

Luo qiangfei had been following Zhang Xiaofan's buttocks before. He took one step to shock Zhang Xiaofan. He killed all the disciples, Dharma protectors and elders of the Mu Hun sect one step at a time.

Even from the beginning to the end, the disciples and elders of the Mu Hun sect had no chance to ask for help from the assembly hall. They were beheaded by flying swords and their heads fell to the ground.

What is death as light as a feather!

Human life in the hands of this man, it is just like grass roots, so quietly left the world.

Luo qiangfei made it clear in his mind that the current MU Hun Zong can be said to be the real one. In addition to the three of them, there are only the dead and no living people here.

The real land of animal spirits!

"Big... Lord, can we get out of here now?"

At the thought that the whole Mogan mountain was covered with corpses and blood flowed into a river, and the whole mu hunzong was in the depth of the mountain. In the dark, it was just like a mound of graves.

This makes Luo qiangfei feel that he is creepy and wants to leave this place of right and wrong this morning.

Zhang Xiaofan cast a glance at him, but Luo qiangfei didn't dare to say anything. If he accidentally provoked Zhang Xiaofan, his own fate would be no different from that of the herdsmen.

Moreover, he almost forgot a very important thing. He and Zhang Xiaofan are not in the same group. He is also one of Zhang Xiaofan's deadly enemies.

Every time he recalled the position of the two sides, Luo qiangfei's cold sweat of laughing with soybeans trickled down his forehead. Zhang Xiaofan had smashed his hands and legs before, and then rescued himself with a panacea.

The purpose of Zhang Xiaofan is to let himself lead the way to find the whereabouts of the mu hunzong.

Now, the upper and lower parts of Mu hunzong have been destroyed by Zhang Xiaofan, and Luo qiangfei has lost its use value. Even elder Ming and elder Tian have been killed by Zhang Xiaofan one after another.

It can be said that if Zhang Xiaofan really killed himself, he would only take his life in a moment.

Think of this, Luo qiangfei whole person knee a soft, directly on the spot expensive come down, hastily open mouth, way.

"My Lord, please... Please let me go. I'm willing to be your horse, and I'm willing to be a cow and a horse for you."

At this time, Luo qiangfei also felt that his previous words were too similar to those of Tian Changlao. However, elder Tian is just a ghost harvested by Zhang Xiaofan.

After thinking of this, Luo qiangfei felt extremely nervous and uneasy in his heart. However, his legs seemed to be filled with lead. He stood still, waiting for the final trial announced by Zhang Xiaofan.


"Who said I'm going to kill you..."

when Meng Buding heard Luo qiangfei say so, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but feel a little stunned. For a while, he didn't know what Luo qiangfei meant when he suddenly said this to himself.

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