"Ah? Ah... Ah


"My Lord, you don't want to kill me, that's great. It's really great..."

LUO qiangfei quickly raised his head to look at Zhang Xiaofan, and his face was full of ecstasy.

"Take this pill first."

Say, Zhang Xiaofan's right hand wrist a turn, again from the palm out of thin air a jade bottle, directly handed it to Luo qiangfei.

"What are you, my lord?"

After seeing this, Luo qiangfei can't help but feel a little stunned. Even if this adult doesn't want to kill himself, there's no reason that he will directly give him pills.

It's hard not to say that what the adult gave himself was not pills, but poison such as goose top red and arsenic. You can't poison yourself....

however, he doesn't need to do so in any way....

"I think you have kidney yang deficiency and premature ejaculation, and you may not be able to persist for two minutes in your daily activities."

"If this situation can not be dealt with in time, I think it will not take you three years to completely stop..."

Zhang Xiaofan's tone is flat.

Meng not Ding from Zhang Xiaofan's mouth to hear such a word, Luo qiangfei the whole person instantly stay in place.

It has to be said that everything just said by Zhang Xiaofan is true. Luo qiangfei has no way to refute it.

After all, for a man, this kind of "not lifting" is really a very... Very difficult topic to talk about. It's really humiliating.

"This pill can completely cure your hidden disease."

Zhang Xiaofan's voice rings again, which makes Luo qiangfei fall into ecstasy.

There is no doubt that the words just said by Zhang Xiaofan are the biggest heart disease in Luo qiangfei's heart. If Zhang Xiaofan really has the ability to treat his own disease, the feeling is not too happy, OK?!

Just, let Luo qiangfei feel very confused is, why does Zhang Xiaofan choose to help himself for nothing?!

"I have only one request. I want you to help me protect Liu Qingqing."

Seeing Luo qiangfei's face showing doubts, Zhang Xiaofan is straightforward and straightforward.

At present, he has other things to deal with, and there is no way to protect Liu Qingqing.

But Liu Qingqing is different from herself. She is not a practitioner, and she has no excellent identity. Her background is just an ordinary college student from Hangzhou Normal University.

Therefore, in the secular world, in terms of Liu Qingqing's beauty and figure, a nomadic soul sect will spring up today, and other forces and enemies may spring up tomorrow.

It is very difficult for Liu Qingqing to protect himself by himself.

With the protection of Luo qiangfei, Zhang Xiaofan can be more or less at ease, which can also make Professor Liu Qinghe, who is far away from the imperial capital, at ease.

"Well, my Lord!"

"You may rest assured that I will do my best to protect Liu Qingqing. Please don't worry about this."

After hearing that Zhang Xiaofan wanted to protect Liu Qingqing, Luo qiangfei quickly took over the jade bottle, patted his chest, and repeatedly assured him.

It can be said that even if Zhang Xiaofan didn't give himself this bottle of pills today, Luo qiangfei would not dare to disobey Zhang Xiaofan's orders even if he had eaten the gall of the leopard with bear heart.

What's more, his protection of Liu Qingqing also has such a precious pill when the benefits.

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