At the other end of the phone, Bai Xian didn't open his mouth for a long time. When he spoke again, he couldn't help sobbing.

"Nuna (sister), when everyone makes mistakes, can you give me another chance?"

"I didn't do my duty as a good boyfriend that day. I didn't protect you. I will correct it."

"Also, I wasn't timid that day, I just... I just didn't experience this kind of thing..."

"well, I'm determined."

There is no room for recovery in Taiyan's tone.

"Sort it out. That's it."

"I have something else to do. I'll hang up first."

"wait a minute..."

however, just as Taiyan was about to hang up, Bai Xian's voice suddenly came from the receiver, and her emotion became excited.

And Taiyan's hand also can't help shaking, the mobile phone almost did not come out, fell on the ground.

"Anything else?"

"Kim Tae Chung, I've made it very clear that I'll change it. What else do you want me to do? What do you want? "

"How to say, I have been together. Are you so heartless as to do everything?"

"Just a little ruffian. Do you really think he dares to do anything to you? Does he have the courage? "

"Besides, you and I are both public figures. Is it necessary to have a common sense with such ruffians?"

"What's more, it's all over. Can you stop talking about it? We are the same as before. "

"After the big deal, we can't afford to get rid of it? Is it not good to stay away from such people? "


Suddenly was called the full name, Taiyan can't bear any longer, she took a deep breath, way.

"Bai Xian, haven't you realized it yet?"

"I didn't want you to fight with that man that day. All I needed was your attitude!"

"Do you understand the attitude of a boyfriend to protect his girlfriend?"

"Ha ha..."

speaking of this, Taiyan not only laughed at herself, but also said.

"But in the end, I didn't see such a minimum attitude in you."

"I don't want my boyfriend to hide behind me the next time I'm in danger."

"I don't want to tear off my skirt, break the heel of my shoes, and fight with each other like I did last time."

"What's more, you don't even have the courage to face up to your mistakes, and you're constantly making excuses for yourself."

"Didn't you say he was a ruffian?"

"Ha ha..."

"at least, in my eyes, he is a man, but you are not!"

In this way, the phone was hung up.


"the next trip is at 7:30 p.m., would you like to finish your meal now?"

Looking at Taiyan who is back on the bus, the agent in the front row is direct and says.

"No more."

After a brief look at their own schedule, and then looked at the KBS headquarters building not far away, Taiyan thought, and then, way.

"I don't have any appetite now. You can go first, Europa. Don't wait for me."


at 12:45 p.m., the canteen of KBS headquarters -

"senior, I want to eat dumplings with three fresh stuffing. Look..."

Zhang Xiaofan followed Luo Junmo lazily and looked at the dining area on one side.

"I know to eat all day long. I tell you, if the audience rating doesn't improve in two days and one night in the fourth quarter, you'd still eat dumplings with three fresh fillings? I'll let you drink northwest hyacinth every minute

Luo Junmo really has no way to take Zhang Xiaofan as a new man. This guy is too individual. No wonder Zhao Yizhen said that his temple could not accommodate this Bodhisattva, so he sent it to me. , the fastest update of the webnovel!