"All right, I'll find a table and I'll get some food."

Luo Junmo waved, impatient, and said.

And Zhang Xiaofan is about to say something at this time, but the mobile phone in his trouser pocket is shaking.

After Zhang Xiaofan takes a look at his contact "short body creditor", he tells Luo Junmo.

"Master, wait a moment. I'll be back when I go."

"There are also predecessors, in addition to the dumplings with three fresh fillings, please give me a piece of sweet and sour meat."

"Hey, I said you still kick your nose on the face, but also sweet and sour meat, believe it or not, I give you a piece of sweet and sour!"

Zhang Xiaofan chat up a smile, also don't say much, directly walked to the side of the more quiet corner, will pick up the phone, way.

"What's the matter?"

"Let's eat together. I'm in Ruyi Island Park."

"It's not convenient for me to be with my two-day and one-night predecessors now. I'll do it another day."

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan is not in the mood to go now. He follows his predecessors to eat and drink. In his small days, it is called a red fire.

If you want to go out to eat with Taiyan, let's not say whether she will invite herself for the moment. Maybe she will ask herself about the 30 million when eating.

Thinking of his brother jiulongcang next month's wages have not been settled, Zhang Xiaofan is feeling a burst of head.

However, Taiyan didn't give Zhang Xiaofan any chance to refuse, so she hung up the phone neatly.

Zhang Xiaofan listened to the busy tone of "doodle... Doodle... Doodle..." from the receiver of his mobile phone, and his heart was not happy.

But there is no way, who let others be their own creditors, that is, they can do whatever they want.

After thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan is again back in the dining room, only to see the three fresh dumplings have been served on the table, Zhang Xiaofan's throat knot can not help moving, the way.

"Senior, I'm really sorry. There's something wrong with me. Please eat first. Don't wait for me."

"Come and sit down. Although the predecessors are not rich, there is still money for you to eat dumplings."

With that, Luo Junmo waved to Zhang Xiaofan.

"No, elder, you misunderstood..."

looking at the amiable elder telling the truth, Zhang Xiaofan was really moved. However, his creditor was too anxious to let her go.

"Master, I suddenly have something temporary. Next time, I'll ask you back."

"I said, you are in a hurry to see Tai Yan, right?"

Said, Luo Junmo also can't help but recall the last time in the canteen, Taiyan seems to be carrying a plate to come to find Zhang Xiaofan.

However, as soon as the idea rose from Luo Junmo's mind, he quickly rejected it.

Real life is not a TV series. As a young captain, Taiyan is a female singer at the top of the pyramid in Xinluo entertainment circle.

In contrast, Zhang Xiaofan is just a new PD (producer) who has just been employed in KBS for less than three days. They are like two parallel lines. How can they be connected?

However, Zhang Xiaofan is no matter what Luo Junmo is thinking, after saying that he is in a hurry to run out of the canteen.

The distance between KBS TV station and ruyidao park is 1000 meters. Zhang Xiaofan arrived soon.

However, ruyidao Park covers an area of 69435 Ping, so it is not easy to find a short body here.

Looking around, Zhang Xiaofan didn't find Taiyan's figure. He took out his mobile phone and was preparing to make another call.

However, the phone has not been dialed out, Zhang Xiaofan felt that his shoulder was patted.

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