"Looking for me, PD."


Zhang Xiaofan turns around and looks at Tai Yan behind her. Her face is full of helplessness. She shrugs her shoulders and says.

"My wallet is just..."

then, Zhang Xiaofan ran away from the wallet, shaking and saying.

"Here, 65000 won will be calculated at full cost. You can watch according to this budget."

"I'm not hungry yet."

Taiyan gathered up her skirt and sat down directly on the park bench.

"I'm looking for you this time, mainly to let you chat with me for a while."

"What? You come here to chat with me... "

after hearing Taiyan's words, Zhang Xiaofan's mouth twitched and said.

"Since it's a chat, it's better to call directly. If you're not hungry, it doesn't mean I'm not hungry."

Zhang Xiaofan make complaints about it, but he also sits on a bench.

However, he sat on the other side of the bench and kept a distance from Taiyan.

"Come on, you want to talk to me about something."

"In fact, it's still something to do with that evening...

"... "

" after talking for a long time, you don't feel secure in him, so you decide to break up? "


Taiyan nodded honestly and said.

Because, he and Bai Xian's things know very little, very few, only Zhang Xiaofan, an outsider, knows all this.

What's more, at noon, Bai Xian's phone call made Taiyan upset, but in the noisy environment during the day, she couldn't take out the memo to decompress it.

Therefore, Taiyan just found Zhang Xiaofan and wanted him to disclose all this.

However, even Taiyan did not find that she was so willing to bury all the bad things in her heart.

Why would he be out of the ordinary and choose to tell Zhang Xiaofan all this without any burden?

Maybe it's because the secret is guarded by both of them....


in this way, a minute has passed....

"Hello, why don't you speak?"


Smell speech, Zhang Xiaofan see to Taiyan some inexplicable, way.

"What do I say?"

In this regard, Taiyan really felt incomparable burden, she moved forward to the left, looked at Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, word by word, said.

"I told you all about me just now. You should at least tell me what you think about it."


Zhang Xiaofan stood up and walked forward, while Taiyan followed him step by step.

"What are you going to do? You haven't answered the question I just asked..."

"what are you urging me to do? I'm thinking about it. I'm waiting for..."

Zhang Xiaofan frowned impatiently and said.

After Zhang Xiaofan said so, Taiyan left her mouth, but she didn't really speak.

Zhang Xiaofan has been using the corner of his eye to look at Tai Yan. After seeing her like this, he can't help but say.

"I think it's your choice whether you want to part or not. It's not a matter of choosing, it's just a choice."

"Trade off?"

After Taiyan heard this, she couldn't help but wonder more.

"Yes, it's a trade-off."

Zhang Xiaofan looks at Tai Yan, and the previous cynicism disappears. Instead, she is serious and serious.

"When you can't do anything, you should decide"

"if you hit a person who doesn't have a chance, you should give up"

"if you are worried about something in your heart, you should leave it"

"if you stop making decisions, you will be disturbed."

"Should we give up those who have no chance to hit?"

Taiyan's heart constantly ponders the three words that Zhang Xiaofan said. Then she looks at Zhang Xiaofan without any confusion in her eyes. Instead, she is firm and firm.

"I see!"

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