The audience's concerns are justified. As the saying goes: keep up one's spirits, decline again, and exhaust three times. After getting match point, thunder not only did not work hard to win the fifth game, but also was beaten by the other side in Toronto, morale suffered a great blow, almost fell to the bottom. Now the game is playing like this again, I don't know how much morale the players can raise.

After being chased to 3:3 at 3:1, the former is too likely to lose in Game 7! There are not many such examples. Thunder has experienced it himself.

However, we obviously underestimated the psychological endurance of thunder. The Raptors did make a perfect start, but it was only the beginning. Thunder was not awed by the momentum of the Raptors, under the leadership of Westbrook, they returned to the Raptors a 7-0 small climax, equalizing the score. As defending champions, they have seen too many big waves, and the doubts and criticisms they bear are endless. It's not a big deal to start a bad start.

After Lori put in three points, Westbrook received Adams's basketball and rushed to the basket. After Westbrook rushed up, there was no one to stop it! Siacam and Pau Gasol have already mentioned within the three-point line, and the inside line defense composed of these two people is still very deterrent. But for Westbrook, it doesn't seem to work. He took a European step past Hickam, then headed for Pau Gasol, pulled his right hand and scored.

Westbrook's breakthrough in the thunder has always been a fairly stable scoring means. In terms of efficiency, it may not be the best, but when other players can't open the situation, they often rely on Westbrook to open the situation.

Looking back, the Raptors attack. ANLO quickly stepped back to the three-point line and stood in front of Denny green, staring at each other. Lori takes the ball to the top of the arc, makes a little observation, and then hangs the ball under the basket. After Gasol received the ball, he slammed into the basket with ADAMS on his back. He kept moving his feet, constantly changing positions, looking for the direction of his hand. But in the end, he didn't choose to play hard. Adams's defense was enough to deal with Pau Gasol. After a few wobbles, Pau Gasol passes the ball to Denny green outside the right-hand three-point line. The latter catches the ball, even if Anluo has made defensive action, he is still very decisive.


The ball didn't go in! ANLO's outstretched right hand had covered Denny Green's face, completely obscuring each other's view.

The rebound was taken off by Westbrook, very relaxed. Under the cover of Adams, his opponent was himself. He takes the ball around his back, dodges Lori, who reaches out to steal, and then launches a counter attack. This time, the position of Pau Gasol and siakam two people stand very in place, Westbrook can protrude under the basket lay up the route is basically blocked. If you change to a player like Ginobili, you can make a layup with a twist, but Westbrook has a better choice.

He leaped past Hickam in a single step and jumped right into the arms of little Gasol. It looked like a suicide attempt, but Westbrook's right hand reached out from under the opponent's ribs and pulled the ball out.

Grant was a bit stunned when he received the ball. He didn't expect Westbrook to pass the ball at this time. After all, the other side had already reached the basket. However, his reaction is not slow. After receiving the ball, raise your hand to shoot. However, sICAM's defense was not slow. He made a lunge in front of grant and opened his hands to block the space in front of Grant's eyes. Grant didn't want to give the other side a block, he quickly put the ball into his arms, and then passed it to ANLO in the bottom corner.

As the saying goes, opportunities always favor those who are prepared. When Westbrook went in, ANLO didn't wait outside the three-point line, but ran out of the space under the cover of his teammates. ANLO has always been like this, rarely stopping in the offensive round. Especially when Westbrook rushes up, he will try to get rid of his defenders and run out of the space.

After receiving the basketball, Anluo made a decisive move. An open three-point goal like this is easy for ANLO.

7: 5

after the goal was scored, Chesapeake energy stadium fans' hearts in their throats finally fell back into their stomachs. The thunder fans, who were still worried and had been standing in the audience, all returned to their seats to watch the next game.

The Raptors' next attack was handed over to Leonard. Lori took the ball out of the three-point line and gave it directly to the opponent. The latter broke with the ball and a cross step forced Paul George to follow him forward to the right. Leonard certainly didn't want to pop in that direction, after all, there was a grant in the right elbow. After two quick strides, he slammed his right foot on the floor. With the strength of the rebound, Leonard retreated out of the three-point line, pulled it up and threw it.

It's all about individual ability, without any tactical cooperation. However, Paul George was not completely shaken away. Just as soon as he did it, Paul George had jumped up again and reached for the basketball in his hand.

The possibility of a direct block is small, but Paul George succeeded in interfering with Leonard's ambition. In order not to be blocked, Leonard pushed the ball out a little harder. It was this slight change that caused the ball to hit the base of the basket.Adams a person will small Gasol and West kamka in the back, grabs the backboard the Westbrook to launch the counter attack again. He's very fast, like a flash of lightning across the court, and then he's flying under the basket and smashing the ball in.

7: It took the thunder a minute to level the score and they played a very strong attack. But their defense is more satisfying than attacking. It's not easy to be able to let the powerful dragon return without success, but they did.

The fans, led by DJ, chanted "OKC". Westbrook's dunk, the entire Chesapeake energy court atmosphere led up. Not only did the mood of the fans start to rise, but even the players on the field were deeply affected. After several successful defensive and offensive attempts, including Angelo, the morale of each was high. They are confident for the next game. , the fastest update of the webnovel!