After the score was leveled by thunder, the Raptors began to be a little anxious. This can be seen from their next attack.

It took the thunder a minute to level the score and they played a very strong attack. But their defense is more satisfying than attacking. It's not easy to be able to let the powerful dragon return without success, but they did.

Lori holds the ball from the right three-point line 45 degrees to the penalty area, Westbrook has been stuck in his left side. Outside the three-point line, Denny green is looking for opportunities. Seacam and Leonard have a bad chance. Especially for the latter, Paul George keeps a close eye on him, and Pau Gasol is ready to pick him up in the free throw line near the rebound. Thunder's defense is very tight, does not give the Raptors a chance. Lorry has to come by himself! He took a cross step and pushed past Westbrook on the left. But it's all over Adams and grant. As a matter of fact, at this time, siacam pulls out and Lori passes the ball to him. Whether it's a shot or a two step forward layup, it's easier. But neither sICAM nor Lori did. Lori stares at Adams for a layup, but after he pulls the ball out, grant slaps him on the rebound.

Adams didn't jump. After Pau Gasol was far away from the penalty area, he had an absolute advantage under the basket and easily took the rebound. At that moment, everyone in the thunder started to rush to the other side of the board. Adams was not ready to carry the ball himself. He took a turn with his right arm and threw the ball directly towards Westbrook on the left. After receiving the ball, the latter slaps the ball forward and then speeds up. Of course, he's not as reckless as lorry. A good organizer is sure to know everything on the field. After a few steps out, Westbrook was decisive in passing the ball to ANLO. The latter, under Grant's cover, has just shaken off Denny green, who is in close pursuit.

After receiving the ball, ANLO stopped the car outside the three-point line, pulled it up and threw it directly.


It's clean and clean. It's a hit.

7: 10

the thunder attack is still not weakened.

Nash couldn't see anymore. He stood up and called a pause to the referee. Then you bring the players together and bang the tactical board. He seems to be very excited. Of course, the situation has indeed become disadvantageous to the Raptors. After all, it is the last one. It is reasonable to be more cautious.

"Guys, the game is 48 minutes. We don't have to worry! Play the game according to our own rhythm, and don't be led by the nose... "

Nash didn't say much about the tactics. He knew what the players were capable of. He just needs to get these guys right and know what to do.

"Come on! Guys, let's calm down and take the championship back to Toronto in the way we know it best


Lori came back to the field with the Raptors. He was positive and emotional. Leonard did not comment on the whole process. I have to say, his character is really not suitable to be the leader of the team.

Nash's words worked. After the pause, the Raptor's condition rose again. For the first time in the game, Pau Gasol made a pick and roll for Lori and then backed out of the three-point line to catch the ball. Of course, thunder didn't give him a shot. Although Adams did not defend, but with Wes brooka in front of Pau Gasol, it is difficult to shoot.

However, Pau Gasol wasn't just trying to pull out a three-point shot. He held the ball up to his head and watched the game quickly. Leonard is entangled with Paul George at a 45 degree angle on the right, and there's not a good chance for Leonard; and there's no chance for Denny green, who's been running around trying to avoid ANLO. But it's a pity that ANLO is like a bolt on his body, how can't throw it away. At this point, Hickam cut in from the outside. Pau Gasol passed the ball immediately. It's a good pass. Without a pause in the March, zikam picked up the basketball and went straight to the restricted area. Westbrook is unstoppable when it rushes up, and siacamu, which flies up, is also unstoppable.

He went into the free throw line and flew straight up. Adams was ready to jump forward to stop the other side, but the other side did not get close to him, so he flew up from a long distance, and with his excellent arm exhibition, he easily pushed the ball out.

In retrospect, the thunder attack did not decrease. Westbrook continues to drive in with the ball and is one of the best in the thunder, whether it's scoring for himself or creating opportunities for his teammates. In such a situation, Anluo is the biggest beneficiary, Westbrook a lot of the ball is passed to him. Of course, Westbrook also has a lot to gain, after all, he "brushes" a lot of assists on ANLO. Unfortunately, Paul George never had a chance! Leonard really held him down.

In the next few minutes, although the Raptors' attack had some improvement, it was always oppressed by the thunder and could not turn over. Lori couldn't stand up to the team's offensive flag, and Leonard was caught by Paul George. Seeing the situation of the game getting worse and worse, Pau Gasol stepped forward.If you want to find a champion in raptors, it must be a lot. But Pau Gasol must be the one who craves the most. To this end, he left Memphis, which had been struggling for many years, and lost all the glory and achievements of the past. Now the opportunity is just around the corner, and it may be the only one in his entire career. Pau Gasol doesn't want to give up anyway.

He began to frequently pull to the top of the arc, using his long-range shooting ability, involving the thunder defense. That way, Lori, Leonard and sICAM have more opportunities! Scoring is also easier.

Of course, the most outstanding point of Pau Gasol is scoring. Although he has always been known as defensive, but really put his mind on the offensive side, is also very good.

In the last three minutes of the first quarter, Pau Gasol scored two three-point shots from outside the three-point line.

It's just part of it. He and Lori's pick and roll down tactics are very smooth. As a traditional big man, Pau Gasol is handy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!