Name:Super Supportive Author:



No, said Zeridee-undh as they headed back into the ambassadorial residence.

No, she said again while Alden looked at the cellphone worriedly. Still no reply from Mehdi.

NO, the Artonan insisted, as they stood in the room with the video monitors. Alden was checking first them and then the phone screen. He started to peel one of his oranges just to put a little of his nervous energy somewhere.

His eyes landed on a stack of something that looked like laminated beige paper. A chunky marker with a brush tip was lying on top. You were making signs before I got here?

The first line of text on the top sign was in Spanish, the second in Chinese. He only knew what they were because shed begun writing the third line in English before stopping halfway:


Thats a good idea. We can tape them up on the doors before we leave.

I will tape them on the doors before I leave, Zeridee said. As soon as you are no longer in fear for your friends, you will get in your flyer and head to the planetary evacuation site!

Alden assumed she was only all right with him waiting around on the phone because the infogear couldnt come with him or wouldnt work if he took it in the escape vehicle. And she was trying hardprobably too hardto be comforting.

Oranges. Dry human clothes. All the tea.

Hed only drunk one black tea with sugar right after getting dressed, guzzling it for politenesss sake. He hoped she wasnt upset about that.

Do two people fit in the flyer? he asked.

Not comfortably.

So thats a yes.

Why dont you come see it? She was speaking in a coaxing tone even as her hand took up the brush marker and started rapidly finishing the sign in small block letters. Its very nice.

I will, said Alden, digging his thumb into the orange peel. Believe me. As soon as youre ready to leave, too, I will be in that flyer. And well fly away from this ocean-adjacent neighborhood. Im seriously looking forward to it. By the way, why is the ocean acting insane? People on the bridge were saying it was chaos, but its obviously not that. Its not corrupting anything.

Zeridee-undh rolled one eye at him while the other was fixed on the sign.

Some has given a human a . Its spilled, she said in Artonan.

I didnt understand all of those words, Alden said. Something about sinking? Whats a?

Someone who has such limited common sense that they should have died of their own errors by now has given an Avowed a Sinker Sender. She paused. Unless one of my people brought it themselves and chose to crash it into the cube. But I doubt that. It would be such an expensive and foolish means of attack for a wizard to use that the institution which confirmed the wholeness of their education would revoke their diplomas and apologize to all of the Triplanets upon hearing of it.

Apparently, wizards could be expelled from school long after theyd graduated if they were embarrassingly stupid. Alden filed that away for consideration in some more relaxed moment.

Sinker Sender?

I would call it that in your language. A device designed to safely submerge objects in liquid environments and transport them. Useful for shipping, stealth, protection, researchmany things.

So someone crashed a Sinker Sender into Matadero. And its powerful enough to eat bridges and flood islands?

Did that mean the Matadero facility had been destroyed? Or sunk?

The devices are allowed on this planet, but only because most of them are not this strong. They become more powerful with age and proper care. The idea that someone would give one this old to an Avowed is ridiculous. It must have been created a thousand years before we even found your species! It shouldve been placed under trained guardianship on a planet where its services are actually needed.

She punctuated her words with a particularly aggressive brushstroke, then started making another sign.

The device still does magic even if its broken?

It would be improper to call this doing magic, she said. The Sinker Sender was obviously old enough that every part of it had begun to resound with the function of the whole. The particles ejected into the water upon its destruction are therefore creating effects similar to the purposes to which they have been turned for the entirety of their existence.

She stared grimly at him. Still with just one eye. The spill will be cleaned. Or it will degrade enough that it poses no threat to other lands. It may cause a great deal of damage before then.


Large quantities of water will be pulled onto the islands in some locations as the contamination impacts things near shore and attempts to envelope them. The power of whatever motes of the Sinker are causing a particular effect will be rapidly expended, but additional motes of contamination will be spread by the flood waters.

Pulling even more water on shore.

Plopstar is blowing up the ocean around The Span.

Her use of large quantities of magic in a contaminated area should help to disruptyou are distracting me from the matter at hand on purpose!

Im not!

She dropped her marker. The situation here will not affect you once you leave in your flyer. It is being handled as well as it might by many competent people. You will be very far from here, waiting in the gathering area for a mass teleport. Just in case this incident is followed by others that lead to dire consequences.

So in case the System is panicking for the right reasons and this is the first in a string of masterminded attacks that will overwhelm Earth.

Where does the flyer take me?

Its a secret location.

Is it the Sahara or the Amazon? Antarctica maybe? That one would be a little closer.

Zeridee said nothing.

If its for evacuation during planet meltdown situations, does it still use the System? Or is there some giant version of one of those teleport rooms like the Quaternary had on her ship? Fire, blood, dirt, driftwood. Very uncanny. Im extremely grateful the option exists, but I have it on good authority that getting blasted to Artona I that way almost killed me. And Im usually an excellent teleportation traveler.

Maybe Ive been overly soothing to you. Zeridee leaned toward him. Alden Ryeh-bt, even though this neighborhood has protectors at the moment, it is not completely safe. You should go.

He knew. There were alerts flashing on his interface telling him the Punta de la Luna neighborhood should be evacuated immediately. And he didnt want to stay here when the safety of an aerial vehicle was available.

But he also didnt feel right about leaving Zeridee alone to deal with a bunch of stressed-out superhumans. Her connection to the ambassador might make people listen to her, but she wasnt a wizard herself. Avowed were well aware thatthey occupied a higher social rung than the ordinary class of Artonans on the Triplanets, and Alden doubted everyone cared to engage with the complexities and balances of that relationship in good faith on a night like tonight.

He had already met one asshole who wanted to use rank as a battering ram. Admittedly, it was in the reverse of the usual direction, which he hadnt been expecting. But Marks was one side of the coin, and on the other side of it, Alden was sure there was a different idiot who would try to commandeer the house from Zeridee because they were the Avowed boss.

She seemed to care a lot about the people who lived around here. She might stay, trying to talk someone stubborn out of endangering themselves, until it was too late and then

Wait. Am I behaving like I think Im her boss, too? Thats not how I mean it.

You dont have to come with me on the flyer if you dont want to, he said quickly.

She looked very pleased. Good! Ill show you to

No. Let me explain. I know its not completely safe. Butif its safe enough for you to stay here for just a little while longer, then cant I do that, too? I can help you do whatever it is you want to. Some of it will go faster with two people. I can totally make signs or run up and down the street checking your neighbors houses like that speedster is doing down by the water. I can help you convince people this place isnt a good hiding spot.

Her eyes narrowed.

Im betting an escape flyer moves fast, he continued. You said I was scheduled to be one of the very first to arrive for the possible planetary evac, so even if we stop thinking about the disaster thats actually happening around us and start thinking about the slim possibility that Earth falls to chaosIll be fine. Right? I can afford to stay here until youre ready to leave. I can help you and still have plenty of time to get to wherever the flyer is taking me. And if you wanted to come with me, you could.

He thought he was doing an awesome job of not puking while he talked about Earth turning into a corrupted wasteland unable to sustain life.

Wait. Can she come with me?

Your boss didnt tell you that you werentallowed to use the flyer with me or something, did he?

Alden didnt really know her well enough to read her face, but if she were Kibby instead of a grown woman, he would suspect that she was thinking of fibbing about something.

This is serious to me, he said in Artonan. Lying about things that are serious is mean-mean.

Zeridees jaw went slack, and her brows drew together until her forehead wrinkled. Did you just call me mean-mean?!

No. I said it would be mean-mean of you to lie right now when I am trying to make important decisions.

He wasnt sure why Zeridee-undh stared at him for such a long time after he said that. Finally, she shoved the infogear cellphone back into its containment safes and chose her reply.

The Ambassador would not object to me leaving Anesidora. And even at the planetary evacuation site, if all goes badly, nobody would object to me joining the first wave of evacuees. But you should leave sooner than me. Sooner than almost everyone. Not to be safe, but to be as safe as possible.

Why? Alden asked. I promise Im not that wonderful.

You have an obligation! You must consider your true !

My what?

Zeridee took a deep breath. I dont know if you can fully understand the of this, butyour death might weigh on the minds of Hntyon Alis-arth and Hntyon Evul-arth!

Alden blinked at her, too confused to respond.

Zeridee was staring at him with both eyes now. Her hands were clenched at her sides. Their lives are filled with difficulties you cannot imagine. No doubt they take great comfort from the idea of you here, living a life of peace and happiness on your motherworld. Images of you may through them at this very moment, giving them strength of purpose and the will to move forward through their trials.

Excuse me, but that doesnt sound likely at all! Alden protested. I think you might have misunderstood some things

For you to die so young and so soon after they have have - their affection in you

Why are we talking so seriously about me dying now?

I am sure the commendation you have earned for your actions is not a political move by the Quaternary!

Who said it was?!

Zeridee shook a finger at him. They obviously feel true respect and liking for you. Evul-arth sent you a gift! Such an unexpected -. I would never have imagined a for a . You must not cause either of them to grieve.

Alden was about to tell her that Evul-arth was just mailing stuff for her little brother, since Stuart wasnt allowed to communicate with Avowed without supervision.

If Alden died, Evul would probably shrug and think, MehBaby Stu has a cuter Alden anyway. I always thought the sweaty one was a weird choice.

But Zeridee was suddenly reaching for his apocalypse suitcase, muttering to herself, Where is the human boys medical kit?

Why do you need to know that? he asked.

You need to relax more so that you can calmly engage your brain and understand what Im telling you!

Oh my god, shes gonna tranq me so that she can stuff me in the flyer and ensure that there is a 0.0% chance of an arth family member feeling even a single twinge of sadness.

I cant believe I was worried I was being too bossy. She is fully willing to boss me right off the planet.

Alden looked around for a way to convince her that he didnt need to be protected this zealously and spotted motion on one of the monitors. A young woman was heading up the front walk.


Zeridee, someones coming to the house again.

She stopped rummaging in the drugs and looked up. Her expression turned alarmed. Thats Becky! But she should already be gone! I saw her heading toward the train right after the sirensjust a moment, I

Alden watched her hurry away. He took his medical kit and stuffed it into his messenger bag instead of the suitcase. Preserving the bag and contents around the kit should do the trick.

Next, he grasped the brush marker, finished the last sign the assistant had been making, and picked up a tape roll that was waiting beside the stack. He grabbed the mini safe even though he couldnt open it; for all he knew, you could still hear the phone ring from inside the thing. Then he headed toward the entryway.

Zeridee had let the visitor inside this time, since the rain had picked up. Becky looked like she was in her twenties. She had on platform boots, and she was carrying a Meister tool that was shaped like a giant fishhook.

People were talking so much about chaos, Zeridee! And thats never happened before! So I tried to call you and ask about it, but I couldnt get through, she said. A man whod been summoned once was saying maybe going to Kitama Tower wouldnt be safe if there was going to be chaos instead of just sea anomalies. And he was talking about how maybe the TC and the embassy building would be better, but how is anybody going to get down to F now? And I thought of this place because of all the times Ive been here for the Ambassadors parties. Can I stay with you guys?

No! said Zeridee, shaking her head. I am very sorry for all of this. At this time, our residence isnt protected. But do not worry! As the Contract says, the risk of any chaos exposure is low. The chance of an amount dangerous to Avowed is far lower than that. Keep following all evacuation orders. Kitama Tower will be very safe, and I believe many Shapers of Water are being summoned

To Aldens relief, Becky took it completely in stride and seemed to believe the assistant. No arguing or shouting this time. She asked Zeridee if the party was still on for next week, then bounded off.

Partially submerged, with no physical anchors to the seafloor below, the cube had not moved from its position in more than seventy years.

Within it, Avowed fought a being that didnt belong in their world.

A fist collided with the shiny, red two-meter long protrusion that served as one of the things many legs. A crack sounded, like stone rupturing. The demon didnt appear to notice as the appendage fell away from its body.

Sometimes it would react to an attack. Sometimes not. The men and women fighting it were under the impression that it had favorite parts.

The ones who waited on the sidelines for their turn on the attack didnt let down their guard. It was impossible to in this place, at this moment. Even before the demon had appeared, there was something wrong with reality here. Even when it disappeared, the wrongness would remain for a time.

They understood it in different ways, to different degrees, but they all knew it was there. A tension, a sickness, an unwanted gaze.

A touch you couldnt flinch away from.

I dont really feel anything when Im around chaos, Melanie Carisson had said at one point during their weeks spent in preparation. I just keep having this dream that Im trying to write my name on something important, but no matter how fast I write, the ink fades from the paper before I can finish the last letter.

Now, a blade of her wind cut through the width of the arena like a knife. The other fighters all ducked or leaped to avoid it with practiced timing. The sharpened wind hadnt been aimed at the demons body but at the area above it.

There was some part of it there, unseen. Less an invisible limb for it to control and more a violent disturbance in the air that occasionally lashed out madly.

A cloud of something that looked like black sand burst into existence when the wind cleaved through that spot. A stench filled the air.

They had been warned not to think overmuch about what the demons body parts were or whether the things that happened when it was struck made sense. The effects of the chaos clashing with reality couldnt be predicted by the likes of them.

Still. It was hard not to think of that strike as a small victory.

And then a gasp came from the Sway standing on one of the protective barriers above them.

The fighters didnt hear her.

They didnt hear Esh-erdiwho observed their battle from aboveask her a question. They didnt hear her reply.

They did notice when the demon died.

It happened so fast that most of them werent able to see the cracks formingin a gash on the entitys back, in every battered or torn leg, in the mad roiling somethingness above it. They formed, widened, broke open. And from every break, more cracks spread.

Many of the Avowed had the impression that the demon simply fell apart instantly into a hundred pieces at a hundred seams they hadnt known existed. And then it continued to crumble as Esh-erdi and Lind-otta dropped down among them. The two Artonans landed on the pile of fragmenting parts that had once moved like a semi-organized beast, and where their feet hit, the remains of the demon shattered like shards of glass. There was another puff of the black sand in the air.

The chaos still filled the area, but to those who had the attention to spare for it, its creeping presence seemed to have been suddenly muffled.

Esh-erdi said something.

Most of the Avowed looked startled. A few stared at him blankly.

He looked up toward the magical barrier where the non-combatants stood. Two more wizards, the Sway messenger, a group of Avowed who had not been chosen to participate in this particular fight when the demon had made its appearance, and a blonde woman wearing raspberry colored jeans and a turtleneck sweater.

He says the Contract just informed us via Sway relay that a ship carrying a bomb and a powerful magic device is about to impact the first layer of shielding around Matadero, Aulia Velra said. Some of your translation earpieces seem to have given out in the chaos. >

When? someone demanded. What should we?

> Lind-ottas face was turned to the east.

> her partner asked.

> she said.


At 12:27 AM, a boat carrying three teenagers, an unconscious man, and two corpses struck the shield around Matadero at a speed unmatchable by any other submarine currently in existence on Earth. The shield around the facility, detecting a powerful assault, repelled them violently.

A protective envelope around the vessel vanished in an instant. A Wrightmade bomb exploded. A magical artifact created at least a thousand years before the human species was discovered by wizards was blasted apart, and the contents of it, impacting the shield, triggered a second, more targeted repulsive response.

Propelled half by their own un-contained and undirected power and half by the pulse of magic from the shields, countless motes of the fluid substances that had powered the artifact raced through the water toward Anesidora.

The sirens were already wailing.

Another wave burst against a mirrored wall.

It stood firm.



If the cube had fallen, you would not be standing here, Zeridee-undh said to Alden.

Would I be unconscious in my flyer on the way to Antarctica?

Something like that, she said shamelessly.

Alden smiled. So Haoyus dad

She held up a hand. I wont promise that everyone at Matadero is unharmed. They have been in battle. And they will stay on site for a while rather than returning to help here right away. If other attacks come, or there ismore to deal with in the way of demonsits essential to have a strong force in place. But nobody was harmed by the attack of the Sinker Sender.

And Im confident that I would have heard if an Avowed had died fighting the demon. It would have been upsetting to the ones in charge at Matadero right now, and I believe they would have mentioned it when they reported on the situation to the ambassador.

Esh-erdi and Lind-odo? Alden asked. Hed tried to remember the names from his conversation with Stuart.

Zeridee peered at him. Sheis from the otta family. Yes. Them.

Sorry. I only caught her name once.


She looked super confused.

The assistant had been so on top of things since the moment Alden had stumbled out of the teleportation alcove and started dripping on the ambassadors floors that it was fun to startle her. And since she was already convinced that very important knights would be stricken with grief if Alden died, there was no reason for him to act like he was completely out of the loop.

Earlier when you said Evul-arth had sent me a giftthat wasnt from her. I honestly dont even know her. Weve only said a few words to each other, and half of them were her musing on whether or not all humans perspire as much as I do. Im friends with her brother

Which brother? Zeridee demanded. She had both eyes on him, and shed left the button for the magic garbage disposal pressed. The blue flames were flickering higher.

Stu-arth, said Alden. You might not even know of him. Hes not a

Youre friends?

The emphasis she put on friends made Alden pause.

Id say friends, but I guess other people might think it was more like penpals? We talk on his weekends. We both look forward to it. He sent me the gift you forwarded.

My learning cushion.

Zeridee finally realized she was incinerating nothing and switched off the flames. She stared down into the sink after theyd faded, then said, Its time for us to go to the flyer now.

Youre not going to do those other vials and jars?

She had a few lined up that hed thought were for disposal.

Its fine if we leave these here. And your friendyour human roommate I mean, notthe Primarys youngest childIm sorry I cant completely confirm his fathers safety, but you can tell him what I said. I assume that is why you wanted to know?

Yes! Thank you. His mom and dad are both pretty important, so its possible hes already gotten some info, but just in case, can I say youre almost positive everyone on Matadero is fine? At the moment at least?

She finally looked up and nodded. She slapped her hand on top of the safe to release the infogear from its confinement. Meet me in the greenhouse after you send him your message. I will take your suitcase.

As he took the cell phone, she added, And put that back in the safe when youre done with it. It wont work in the flyer or at our destination.

She left at a walk slightly faster than her usual businesslike pace, and Alden drafted his message.

[Haoyu, glad youre safe. Ive been with an Artonan ambassadorial assistant since I left you guys. She says that the facility at Matadero is unharmed by the attack, and that everyone there]


Being able to send that felt good, he thought. I hope it gives Haoyu some relief.

He took the steps down into the houses backyard, and headed for the giant greenhouse. The rain was slacking off. There werent so many drops pinging against his authority as he and his poncho made their way across the grass.

He found Zeridee in the greenhouse under something that looked like a zebra-striped banana plant, about to load his suitcase into a compartment on the bottom of a shiny silver egg. The flyer balanced on the pavement at a forty-five degree angle. It had a clear top that was open just wide enough for a person to squeeze under it, and there was puffy white foam in a chair-ish shape inside.

Nothing that looks like an engine to me. Im guessing were all-in on the magic spacecraft here.

The escape flyer was definitely a one-seater, but it was spacious enough that it would just be uncomfortable for the two of them to manage, rather than impossible.

I cleansed and dried your clothes before I packed them, Zeridee said.

You found time to do that with everything else going on? Alden asked. Thanks. Thats

What is it? she asked.

Just a secondcan I? He hurried over to take the suitcase. When I was changing, I wasnt even thinking about it. So much else was going on. I had an Opposite Stone in my pocket. From the Palace of Unbreaking.

The jeans were on top, soft and dry. The pockets were empty.

You should run back and check the laundry room, she said. I was in a hurry, so I may not have noticed the stone falling out. Its by the kitchen.

Im sorry. Ill be quick!

Finding the stone took him just a couple of minutes. It wasnt in the laundry room, after all, but in the parlor where hed undressed, lying on the floor. He grabbed it and dashed back through the house.

He was back outside and his foot had just hit the grass, when it happened.

It was the first time that Alden had ever felt anything like it. And still, he knew what it was.

Those ripples washing over him suddenly, so faint but so frightening

He tensed.

He tensed.

The five senses hed been born with dulled, and for an instant, he was less a being made of flesh and bone than he ever had been. He didnt reach out with himself. He didnt have to.

The feeling touched him as Kivb-ees first friendly pat once had.

And he justunderstood.

Those ripples were caused by another authority that knew how to make the universe move. They were a scream without sound. They were proof of a person flailing and rocking the waters around them in warning, in need, in fear.


Aldens body made itself known to him again as he ran.

He saw that one of the gates was open. Hed put a sign on it earlierso much tape to make sure it held against the weather.

He felt the cold hardness of the Opposite Stone in his fist. He smelled the clean scent of rain.

He heard a mans voice shouting.

His mouth still tasted like oranges.
