Name:Super Supportive Author:



The ambassadors greenhouse was hot and damp. As soon as Alden had seen it, patchily illuminated tonight by lights dedicated to specific plants, hed decided that rather than being a place for food production or research like the greenhouses at Joes lab, this was an environment meant for the residents of the house and their guests to enjoy.

Flowers were everywhere, speckling tangled clumps of vines or shaded beneath foliage that looked otherworldly. A smell like nutmeg and lemons filled the air even though neither of those things was in evidence. Adirondack chairs were positioned in appealing leafy alcoves, and there was a pleasant burbling sound that never stopped, as if to imply a stream was nearby, just out of sight through the leaves.

But Alden couldnt hear the burbling now.

His ears were full of the man with the weaponwhat is it? whatsthat? a tent stake? a garden picket? some ordinary thing. not a Meister tool. it doesnt look special enough. two foot long. thin. sharp. bloodyshouting at a second man who shoving on the back of the flyer with both hands.

Two men.n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

They were standing at the far end, beneath the place where one of the roof panels had been removed for the flyers exit. The back door of the greenhouse was open as well as the front, and wind swept through, stirring the plants.

Two men. No there are three of them. The third is in the shadows. Lying down. Hurt? Dead?

Not moving.

Fuck! The fuck!? wizard ! stunner . Fuck!

The weapon wielder wasnt speaking much English, and Alden wasnt trying to figure out what the other language was. He was barely registering the words he did understand. Too much of his attention was glued to the sharp, bloody thing the man was waving through the air.

Shut up, hissed the other one. Stop panicking. Its all good as long as long asfuck if I know! It wasnt supposed to go this way. With Grigs down, we cant use his swallow box. How do we move this out ofjust check on him while I try to get this to roll or something! Fucking aliens making a round object that wont roll!

Behind the babbling one who was shoving on the flyer, Zeridee-undh was flat on her face. He was almost standing on her long, dark purple braid. Her body was crushing one of the big leaves with the zebra striping.

The spot where she lay was dim. Alden couldnt see her well enough to know what he needed to know.

That terrifying, rippling authority cry had cut off so abruptly, right as hed finished crossing the lawn. Did that mean she was gone?

Maybe shes not hurt too bad. Maybe shes not.

He crouched near the front door of the greenhouse, hiding in a dark corner behind a plant covered in large round berries.

He didnt remember thinking any of the things he must have thought to end up in this position: I need to be quiet. This is dangerous. I cant let them see me. Get down.

His body had run here, driven by adrenaline. It had made him duck behind this plant. And now

What do I do? WhatdoIdo? Think. Thinkthinkthink.

His auriad was tangled in the fingers of his left hand. His right was digging in his bag.

What am I looking for in here?

His fingers closed on origami paper. A protein bar. A temper sphere.


Why do you care if the Artonan guy was a wizard or not? Hes a body now! Shit. A dead Artonan. Damn, you stabbed him good. Youre pretty fast. Thats the Brute in you. Goodgood work. Ha! Im shaking so much. Can't think straight. This is...there might be two bodies. The babbler whipped around for just a second to look at the man on the floor before he went back to pawing at the flyer. We shouldve just waited until the fucker flew off and searched the house for stuff. We shouldve waited.

I say this! I say this twice! shouted the man with the weapon. But you say, By my powers, little spaceship! Once in lifetime! - argold!

He swung the weapon at the silvery side of the egg-shaped flyer, and it hit with a clang. You and Grigs

Fuck! I know, all right? I know this is a mess. But its not my fault! Im sorry about the stunner. They use em at the hospital to knock out people who are out of their minds. The guy said itll even work on lots of high ranks. I didnt know it wouldnt do an Artonan! I hit him three times.

Maybe this? Alden thought, fingers closing on the temper sphere. I took the spell impression for situations like this, didnt I? Distractions. Back when I wanted different things.

Theyre not supposed to be martial fucking artists, are they? the babbler said defensively. This scrawny bastard throat-punched Grigs and took him down like

! shouted the other one.

Keep your damn voice down! What if somebody hears us in here!?

Alden tossed the temper sphere out the door behind him. Into the grass.

Now what? Itll make a loud sound. Does that help at all? Will they run away? What if they dont?

He started lacing the auriad through his fingers.

The babbler suddenly threw his shoulder into the flyer and bounced off, wincing. Its not my fault. Its nobodys fault. We shouldve gone for the Artonan healers place. But the Ambassadors house was supposed to be empty! You heard those people whining about it on the train. This Matadero accident is supposed to be the best thing that ever happened to us! Get at the mother lode instead of scratching around for whatever shit the wizards leave behind in their offices overnight.

Aldens hands were moving.

See if Grigs is still alive! Try to wake him up. If we could get this thing in the swallow box and get it out of here.dont you understand? We couldnt get our hands on something like this even if we got summoned. Do you know what kind of money those lucky bastards who bring home nice stuff from the Triplanets can make? This thing could be worth tens of millions!

Aldens auriad was moving.

His authority was moving.

To do what? What am I going to do with it?

He had begun cats cradling his way through his most familiar auriad spell with no plan, just a need to not be helpless. Now, a square of striking force was about to be brought into being. Around sixteen inches across on the diagonal. It would hit what he aimed at harder than he could punch or kick.

But there are two of them.

I cant do it twice before they reach me. Can I cast and run and cast again?

If they look over here

Should I have picked the triangle?

No. Not that. I might miss.

The flying triangle spell seemed to be more powerful, but the description in Whan-tels Art indicated it made a smaller shape. Alden was sure he could cast it, but because he didnt want to blow a hole through the wall of his bedroom hed never actually finished it to see exactly what it looked like and what it did. If his aim was bad, if it came out as some adorable little tap instead of the piercing blade he imagined

They stabbed Zeridee.

The big one stabbed her with that long metal rod.

Because they wanted to steal the flyer.

Not even to save themselves. Not because they were scared.

What kind of crazy shitbrains would rob wizards? Are they suicidal? Do they think the Artonans wont care about something important going missing? It sounds like they originally planned to take smaller stuff from the house, butfocus. Whats a stunner?

Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.

Second weapon.

His pulse was so high he could feel it throbbing in his head.

As he managed to regain enough vision to make out shapes, he saw a figure kneeling on the concrete.

He crouched, prepared to take another hit on his poncho. He waited.

And then he realized the figure was smaller than the Brute had been.

His eyes adjusted some more.

Zeridee? Are you?

The Brute was on the floor beside her. He wasnt moving. It looked like she had stabbed him through the temple with his own weapon.

Im sorry, she said in Artonan, her voice faint. Im sorry. They were going to hurt you. I had to send the flyer. You should run.

Entrust yourself to me, Alden insisted, forcing himself to talk gently. He was using Artonan just to be sure she could understand him. Zeridee, please.

Shed slumped onto the floor beside the dead Brute. Alden knelt beside her now, left hand pressed to the bloody spot on the right side of her chest, right hand pressed to the second bloody spot on her abdomen.

Does this help? Does this even help? The wounds go through and through.

The Brute had stabbed her at least twice. And there was a massive gash on the side of her head. Alden was having a hard time imagining any kind of first aid other than getting her preserved as soon as possible.

He pressed harder, and she made a choking noise.

Entrust yourself to me, he repeated in the calm voice.

Her blood was hot and slick.

Dont be afraid, she said. This man isnt dead.

It was the second time shed said that.

Only one of her eyes was focused on Aldens face. The other was drifting around aimlessly.

Shes really confused from the head injury.

Entrust yourself to me.

He is only sleeping, Zeridee whispered. That other man is only sleeping, too.

No. Shes confused, but not in the way I think.

The Artonan woman was trying to give him loving lies. Like he was a child.

I believe you, said Alden. He didnt spare a single glance for the Brute lying a few inches away with a metal spike shoved through his skull. You helped the bad men go to sleep. Im not scared. Can I pick you up?

Im sorry I had to give the other man your escape flyer. You have to leave the house now.

Thats all right. Well leave together.

He will not die of blood loss before he reaches the Amazon. It didnt hurt him much when his arm was by the flyers .

She meant it hadnt hurt the babbler much when the ships hood had closed on his arm, severing it almost to the shoulder. It was the one with the magical equipment on it, and it was lying on the pavement nearby.

Alden assumed the one-armed man who was now blasting toward South America in an escape flyer that didnt belong to him had been sticking the limb out of the vessel, about to fire the thing he had called a stunner at Aldens back.

If it can take out high ranks it might have burst through my poncho. Or tired me out enough that the Brutes next strike did. And then wed both be dead.

Zeridee must have managed to give the vehicle some kind of go command through her eye rings.

Ah, he said, so one of my teleportation site guesses was right. We were going to go the Amazon together. That wouldve been fun.

Zeridee took a breath.

Does it seem like more of a struggle than her last one? Am I imagining that?

Both of her eyes met his briefly before the left one wandered off again.

You go to a now, she said. Hurry.

He assumed that was a synonym for shelter that he hadnt learned yet.

Is she having a good moment?

He stared hard into her focused eye.

Zeridee, I will run faster if you are alive. My skill and trait will only work if you come with me. Can I carry you?

She blinked the eye.

I will run faster if I carry you, he said slowly.

He thought it might be true. But probably not. He would run faster at the outset for sure if he was using his skill, but he wasnt actually sure whether or not he would lose entrustment if his entruster died. And he would also tire faster carrying her weight.

Loving lies can go both ways.

I will be much faster if you let me carry you, he said. Can I carry you?

Yes, she said.

Thats an agreement! He stopped pressing his hands to her wounds and reached for her braid.

Is there medicine that will help you in the house? Is there something like my special medicine bag there? One for Artonans?

This man is just sleeping.

I believe you. Is there medicine for Artonans in the house? Will any of the medicine in my bag help you?

Yes. In the . Upstairs.

In the roof? The underroof? Is that a word for attic? Is searching for it the right move?

He pulled the braid forward over her face. Her hair was thick, and soft where it wasnt damp with blood. He tucked the purple tuft at the end into the waistband of her pants, then lifted the braid at the middle to makewell, it was a great carrying strap.

If everyone came equipped with their own personal ropes, my life would be much easier.

Thank you, Zeridee. You saved our lives. Youre amazing. Everythings going to be all right.

