Chapter 458:

Chapter 458:

All four teams had found their ordinary participants.

When Park Young-jin relayed the newcomer's request to keep his face and name hidden, the PD and the writer nodded readily.

“That's a good character to have.”

“A mysterious newcomer. That sounds interesting.”

Having ordinary participants with strong personalities was helpful for filling up the broadcast time.

Soon after.

The second game began.

It was a game where one person explained a word with their body and the other three guessed the answer.

The person who explained the word was decided by taking turns among the team members.

“Let's do it in this order: me, Jung-hoon, so-yeong, and the newcomer.”




The two celebrities and the newcomer nodded at Park Young-jin's words.

Choi So-yeong's team decided that Park Young-jin would go first and the newcomer would go last.

Then, the PD added a new condition.

“You have to follow the same condition that was in the first game.”

The staff brought out four paper cups filled with water.

“The fish cake soup team has to hold a paper cup with fish cake soup while explaining and guessing the word. Of course, the real fish cake soup is hot, so we’ll give you a water cup instead. Be careful not to spill it.”

“What? What about the other teams?”

The member holding the paper cup asked.

“The goggle team has to wear goggles for everyone. The ski team has to put on ski equipment on their feet.”

Choi So-yeong and the newcomer's goggle team had to wear goggles and guess, while the ski team, which had the easiest time finding people, had to explain and guess the word with their body while wearing ski equipment.

“Ah. This is going to be hard.”

The Working Man member who had attached the long ski boards to his feet lifted his legs awkwardly.

It was difficult to move because of the ski.

He thought he would have to use only his upper body when explaining the word.

Moreover, since the game required the person who explained the word and the person who guessed the answer to switch places, he had to move quickly, and the long ski was a hindrance.

“Finding people was hard, but this game seems easy!”

Choi So-yeong's team, who only had to wear goggles, was happy with the balanced difficulty.

It was a problem that their vision was narrowed and they couldn't read the other person's expression because of the goggles, but since it was a game of explaining with their body, the expression didn't seem to matter much.

Jung-hoon nodded at Park Young-jin's words.

“I agree. We’ve been last all the time, so we have to win this time... Ah. I'm counting on you. Newcomer. If you have a hard word to explain, you can pass right away.”

“Yes. I’ll do my best.”

Under the goggles, the newcomer smiled brightly.

Somehow, choi So-yeong felt that his voice was familiar.

The first turn was for the ski team, who had arrived first.

Since their condition was [Ski. Male in his 40s], they found the person easily, but it was not an easy task to explain a word with their body while wearing ski.

It also took some time to switch places between the explainer and the guesser.

“This is not snowboarding. Hyung.”

“...You're right.”

The member who slid like a sled using poles and then slid heavily nodded quietly at Jung-hoon's words, who patted his shoulder.

The second and third teams finished their turns, and it was finally Choi So-yeong's team's turn.

The camera captured Park Young-jin, Jung-hoon, choi So-yeong, and the newcomer, whose lips and chin were barely visible because of the large goggles, shouting “One, two, fighting!”

Team leader Choi So-yeong picked one of the many mission papers.

The PD opened his mouth with a regretful face.

“It's a one-star difficulty. The word is sports.”


The first batter Park Young-jin shouted cheerfully.

He quickly guessed the answer, as it was a topic that was easy to explain with his body and there was nothing to hinder him.

After Jung-hoon and Choi So-yeong's turns, it was the newcomer's turn.

From behind the newcomer, where he was standing, a cheering sound came from among the spectators.

They seemed to be his friends.

The camera that was filming the spectators’ reactions turned to the friends.

Maybe because they were friends of the goggle guy, they all wore goggles.



A laughter-like sound seemed to come from among the newcomer's friends.

The youngest cameraman who was filming them tilted his head.

‘Why is that funny?’

The newcomer lowered his arms.

And then he pretended to grab something.

It was a smooth movement, as if he was pulling something back.

Park Young-jin, choi So-yeong, and Jung-hoon, who had prepared themselves after seeing the clumsy explanations of the ordinary participants, widened their eyes.

He fixed something with his left hand and slowly pulled his right hand back.

The two hands that were holding nothing in the air felt a strange weight, as if there was tension.

As the newcomer pulled something invisible to the side of his goggles, it looked like he had a transparent bow.


The three of them shouted at the same time.

The PD shouted ‘Correct!’ and the newcomer and Park Young-jin switched places.

The spectators were impressed by the newcomer's high-quality explanation.

“I have to figure out their schedule well.”

“Me too. It's an awkward time.”

They all looked at their phone books and pondered seriously, while Choi So-yeong also slowly scrolled through her phone screen.

‘Da-jin is shooting and so are the other actors.’

She stopped her finger as she scrolled through her phone book.

Come to think of it...

The newcomer's voice sounded similar to his.

Choi So-yeong looked up and saw the newcomer and his friends standing among the spectators. One of the actors from [Babel Top], who was close to Choi So-yeong, glanced at her phone and widened his eyes.

He quickly poked Choi So-yeong's side.

“So-yeong, call him. Just once. Please!”


“What is it, noona? So-yeong?”

Jung-hoon stuck his face between the two people who were whispering. He looked at the phone screen and opened his mouth wide.

“Wow! Seo-jun!”


The shooting site stopped.


The two letters changed the atmosphere of the shooting site.

He was a star who could do that with just his name.

The Working Man members gathered around Choi So-yeong with excited faces. The actors from [Babel Top] did the same.

“Seo-jun? The actor Lee Seo-jun?”

“Me, just once! Even a greeting! I collected all the Shadowman figures...”

“So-yeong, are you going to call Seo-jun?”

They reacted strongly and Choi So-yeong rolled her eyes and nodded.

“Yes. I heard he has a day off today. But he might not answer the phone.”

“It's okay. It's okay! Who doesn't know that our Seo-jun is busy these days!”

Park Young-jin shouted with a happy face.

“Wow. Our Seo-jun.”

The Working Man members whispered loudly, but Park Young-jin ignored them and continued with a smile.

“Then, let's have So-yeong go last...”

While the other members called their friends and the staff measured the time with a stopwatch, the spectators were also excited. It was worth staying until the end of the shooting.

“Wow. She's really calling Lee Seo-jun.”

“Oh, right. Choi So-yeong did a play with him, right?”

The sound of their conversation reached the ears of the newcomer and his friends who were among the spectators. Seo-jun and his friends were surprised by the sudden situation and soon fell into thought.

“Hmm. Should I go somewhere else to answer the phone?”

Seo-jun's words made his friends tilt their heads.

“But then it would be okay to reveal it, right?”

“Yeah. It was fine until now because his face and name didn't come out, but I think it would be better to reveal it if we’re going to talk on the phone.”

“But then it would be hard to go back later...”

Seo-jun's words made his friends imagine what would happen when his identity was revealed. It seemed unlikely that they could leave the ski resort quietly.

“And we still have some lift time left, right? Don't you guys want to play more?”

He was fine himself, but he cared about his friends.

“It's okay. We played all day.”

“I'm sure my muscles will ache tomorrow.”

Kang Jae-han and Han Jinho shrugged their shoulders.

“And there's less than an hour left for the lift.”

“What about the car... Should we take a taxi?”

“Will a taxi come here?”

Kim Joo-kyung, Jeon Seong-min, and Yang Ju-hee took out their phones and looked for a way to go back.

“Get me Choi So-yeong sunbae's autograph later.”

Park Si-young, who was a fan of Choi So-yeong, also joined in.

Thankfully, his friends’ minds seemed to lean towards revealing his identity. But Seo-jun was still hesitating.

“But that was a long time ago, right?”

Then, a voice came out.

“It's been a long time since he did a play with him. Who knows if they're still close?”

It was a mocking voice.

Seo-jun and his friends stopped moving and listened silently.

“Lee Da-jin is doing a lot of works with him and even got articles as Seo-jun's group, but Choi So-yeong doesn't have anything like that.”

“That's true. Just because they did a work together when they were young, does that mean they have a connection? Then there would be no celebrities without connections.”

“What if she calls him and it's a wrong number? Or someone else answers.”

“She always tries to take advantage of others when she's not famous.”

“They say she got into this work by pushing herself in too. I don't know if Choi So-yeong can act well.”

A nasty laughter sounded.

It probably didn't reach the celebrities inside, but it was clearly heard by the spectators around them.

Some of them frowned and some of them nodded as if they agreed.

His friends quietly grabbed Seo-jun's shoulder and arm.

Especially Park Si-young, who touched Seo-jun's shoulder, had a strange force in her hand. She spat out her words with a growl, as a fan of Choi So-yeong.

“Seo-jun. Let's go.”


Seo-jun answered with a more serious voice than ever.